Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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River Gorges National Park Riaz. Contributions to Conservation Program, monitoring and research.

River Gorges National Park Riaz. Contributions to Conservation Program, monitoring and research. New comments on their response. Paper presented at the Board of Directors.

understand that much of our contributions are summarized in three points: that by the Park management is clearly and expressly recognized the immense value of work (maintenance, monitoring, research, and outreach) made for decades (Not only by WWF Spain, also by the Fund and the CHD and other entities and individuals), to ensure (with permanent permits, written) that we will continue to make trouble, and to delete the activities or projects ( promoted by the park itself or by its address) that we believe threaten the conservation of natural values \u200b\u200bof the area. They should also comply with the agreements adopted at the proposal of the Fund in the public participation meeting of 07/05/1916, convened by the Board.
endorse the letter, in reply to his response, he sent Juan José Molina, alternate representative of conservation partnerships on the Board Chancellor Park, and as he showed them in that letter, then add the following comments to the response sent to us:

1 .- Contribution 1. Introduction (p. 1). It tells us that "records and includes the suggestion to recognize the work of different naturalists and associations in the area." However, we do not see even the slightest change in the six paragraphs of the introduction, which is exactly the same, but adding a general statement below.
It tells us that "there are facts and circumstances that justify the presence in the introductory paragraph only WWF Spain," "This is the only organization that has had and has responsibility for land management, which is reflected in PORN, and understand" that no mention should be made to other local actors. "
WWF is not true that Spain is the only organization "that has had and has responsibility for land management, as also has been and is for example the Douro River Basin, which is also expressly mentioned in PORN, and which is not mentioned in the introduction we discussed. They have also had and have responsibility for local councils and other entities and individuals.
On the other hand, Shelter Fund has also had responsibility for land management, cost as much as the salary of excellent saves del Refugio de Montejo (Hoticiano) when he was unjustly spent with by WWF Spain, and also ended up getting her reinstatement. The Fund also paid other things, from buying the first vehicle with a trailer that was below the nursery of the Refuge, to many of the signs of Refuge (and the corresponding signs.)
at least three times (1977-78, 1979-80, and 1995), WWF Spain would have left the Refugio de Montejo (the first two times, by choice or at least some of their leaders), if the Fund (or its members) would not have prevented. I have lived this story (which have not signatories to the program, by the way), and I know what I'm talking about. In fact, the Fund was established as such in 1979, precisely to solve the second problem mentioned. We believe that the representative of WWF Spain should show its appreciation to the Fund, particularly as regards the third conflict alluded to, rather than support by signing the exclusion of the Fund, reintroduction.
addition, the introduction of a program of "conservation, monitoring and investigation" of the gorges of Riaz should specifically named some people who have made almost all of them so completely disinterested and sometimes at the expense of significant personal sacrifice, this "conservation, monitoring and research." Although these people are almost fifteen hundred, the public participation meeting of 16/05/2007, convened by the Board, was approved (unanimously, and we have three witnesses to the Fund) in the previous program (the public use ) should include at least some names (including the Hoticiano), which then was not met. Despite our protests, and the word of the director of the park on the governing board have not seen even a mention general to that work in the public use program. Since then, the introduction of the program now should be mentioned explicitly discussed the Shelter Fund, the association of almost all the people mentioned, without which there would not have shelter starring his extraordinary history, without prejudice to important work of WWF (when it was positive because, unfortunately not always the case), or the CHD and other entities.

addition to conservation, awareness and outreach, most of the monitoring and research has been carried out selflessly by members of the Fund for 35 years (or at least for most of those 35 years). The censuses have received various scientific awards (from the first Faraday Prize from Spain, and in 1975 to Holland Award in 1977), have appeared in more than three thousand scientific publications and outreach (including several of the most important journals world on these issues), have appeared in 42 scientific conferences (17 of them international) and have been an example for many jobs in other protected areas.

understand that Natural Park management should thank and express mention of the work of the Fund and its members (and also the long and dedicated work of the guards of Refuge), instead of omitting it, or use the results without naming the perpetrators as has happened in various publications of the Board (not all, as in many other recognized). Even data on my list of vertebrates of the Refuge, which has Intellectual Property Register, are unnamed in some of the brochures handed out or distributed on the Park House (despite my repeated protests.) On the other hand, the Park House nor the Fund appears anywhere, although we send hundreds of signatures protesting against it (and other issues). Personally
have provided for decades, so disinterested and even the cost of shipping from my pocket, all the information I have requested and as far Moreover, both the Castile and Leon as many other entities and persons (including companies and individuals whose work was funded by the Board), and I've given enough copies of my work at WWF Spain. I have given the refuge for most of my life (over 35 years, with an average of more than eleven hours a day for several years, and without receiving any material reward or professional, or pretending). I think he is probably more WWF has named Spain as regards all types of publications related to the Shelter, at least on the outside of WWF, and probably more who have praised his performances when I understood that it deserved. [In addition, For many years, I was the partner No. 97 ADENA, and was a member of the Governing Board of ADENA Youth.] For decades, I had the great fortune of having the kind cooperation, quite generous, many hundreds of lovers of this land , in Spain and other countries. Indeed, many others have also devoted to the Refuge, silently but steadily, much of their resources, their illusions, and their efforts for more than thirty years (or thirty-five).
is sad, and profoundly unfair that neither the Fund nor any of us (not even the two octogenarians whose recognition expressly asked the Governing Board, on behalf conservation associations), deserve far not a single mention in the introduction of a program that may not have been possible without this work (not only ours, but also), whose authors are silent now, despite being specifically asked are appointed on several occasions. From the time of the gestation of PORN, I contributed to the report and previous work, in many cases, much or most of the information used in this work for free but with the condition that the authors mention ( condition and then failed to meet accepted, with some honorable exceptions). Perhaps the creation of either natural park have been possible, at least in the conditions under which it was made, without the generous work of the Fund, and members of the Fund, who now no longer wants or name.
Under these conditions, we can not vote or support that program.

2/3.- Contributions 2 and 3. We are grateful to have incorporated some of our corrections and suggestions, but we regret that others have not been the same.
In particular, we understood that the final reports of the censuses of autumn itself should be included in the basic literature, especially when we are requested to provide to the Board or the Park House (I've done on several occasions, by the way coasting I copies and without receiving the thanks). Currently, these reports are available on the Internet, where anyone can download. In fact, the very Junta de Castilla y León included a link on their environmental newsletter. In addition, these surveys have been mentioned in books or newsletters of the Board itself (sometimes correctly, sometimes without naming the author), other books and many other publications have inspired many works throughout Spain have mobilized nearly six hundred people, for nearly thirty years, and each of them has resulted in hundreds of hours of rigorous work and altruistic (even without counting the time of fieldwork). If instead of them we have held the Board, or the WWF, they would still consider "required reading? Yes
are still included in the literature, various unpublished reports recently commissioned by the Natural Park or the Board, and we believe it is mentioned, but insist that these works, funded with public money, should be released, especially when are ignored (the program that comment), many other important works that do are published but have not been paid by the Board (and thanks, again, at least have added some more).

regard to monitoring conducted, has been so exceptional that there is nothing like it in almost any other natural area of \u200b\u200bSpain, as some authors have recently recognized in different books of their own Junta de Castilla y León. In fact, the work of the refuge, many of them made by the Fund or its members, have led not a few studies in other natural areas within or outside Spain. We believe that the natural park management should demonstrate proud and grateful for that, and recognize it, and continue to build, but not underestimated.
We agree that all this work leads to further research and learning, without harming wildlife. We are grateful to have incorporated some of our contributions, but still superfluous, and do not contribute anything positive, the expressions that can be interpreted as a slight to the enormous work already done (sometimes at the expense of a tremendous effort and admirable, and at no cost to the Exchequer). We emphasize that some of the authors, the work on amphibians and reptiles mentioned in the literature of this same program, explicitly recognized in his other publication, the herpetofauna of the refuge had been prospected. No talking should be followed (in memory) of "gaps", "lack", "lack of data on the presence or conservation status of species or taxa of these groups, let alone of" the absence sometimes an appropriate methodology and a specific purpose in the process of collecting these data. " While welcoming the others have changed or nuanced expressions that were in the same direction, and put "sometimes", and many other places would like to have the amount of information contained herein has been obtained, and published in large part on amphibians and reptiles for example (and not only on amphibians and reptiles), and also obtained almost always in a coordinated and altruistic. Indeed, years ago I presented a communication on amphibians and reptiles of the Refuge, in the Luso-English Congress of Herpetology, University of Valencia, you can see a brief summary minute book of the congress. The catalogs of amphibians and reptiles are already made and published, and we also know many of the breeding sites of amphibians (if not all, though some of them have been altered by the actions of public use of the park). This does not prevent these species can be studied further and may find many more things (some species not found above seems rather difficult, though certainly not impossible), but to justify such studies make no lack expression as outlined above. It should be recalled that Dr. Valverde, who was the first ornithologist to published data on Riaza sickles, and citing zoo director in the book Board on sickles, wrote in his memoirs about his scientific training placements in other countries: "That (...) taught me one thing above all: respect for the preservation of the work of predecessors, solid foundation it sits today. "

4 .- Contribution 4. We are told that "inform the Fund." However, to date we have not been reported, apart from the reviews that appear in the Proceedings of the Casa del Parque (sometimes commented on the Governing Board) and informed him personally by different authors, none of the work done there on behalf of the Park, nor have published their results (we know).
only just received, and thank you, copies of letters that had requested the Board of Directors. It also points out that recent data had asked about poisoning (in the minutes of the Governing Board did not include the dates, only the year). 5 .- Contribution

5. We appreciate you alluded to the scarcity of food for carrion birds, although we believe that the current shortage is evident, but "possible." Have been closed, we know, eight of the eleven middens (or similar) we knew in the region, and has drastically reduced the available carrion in the field (not only in the region). The symptoms of hunger are many and could extend over it. It is clear that the situation would be much worse without the excellent work of the nursery of WWF (the former guard and current), and we welcome the additional power on the agenda to discuss. On the other hand, insist that, according to our data, which is down not only the productivity of the colony of griffon vulture, but also the population, and also indicates the WWF.

When was conducted in 1979 the first national census of vultures, I was almost alone, as can be seen in the corresponding volume of "Ardeola" which provided specific numbers on a recent increase. Then he saw that the recovery (vultures) was much more general, almost all of Spain, and the rarity of the gorges of Riaz was made up there. The same, in one sense or another, has occurred throughout the history of the Refuge, with other species (from Bonelli to the otter, and could put more examples).
Now might be something similar, with the decline of vultures. The results of our surveys are a warning that should not be ignored. Above all, taking into account the latest data published (in "Vulture News", and in many More media) about the decline of vulture populations in many other countries. Something similar could happen in much of Spain, if there are no means to avoid, in line with the conclusions of the national conference on vultures (organized by Caralluma in Caravaca, Murcia) and the Conference on Vulture (UNED). We also recall the joint letter signed by 26 associations in 2009 and titled "Can not go on like this." This paper has been published in multiple media, including the latest circular of the Fund. 6 .- Contribution

6. We are told, without addressing any of the actions that spoke up, that "to date has not been worked comprehensively with this subject, we know little about the possible need for improvement and hence on the required actions. " Also refers to "budget constraints will likely affect the park in the immediate future."

no cost to the park, we have spent many years studying the subject, or at least those species that breed there every year and reproductive performance (among other things) communicate to the current park management had threats Some promoted by them, and we were not ignored either. In particular, when there are still a few car parks (around the reservoir) in the public participation meeting above (May 2007), we opposed to only one such car, which was nearly occupied raptor nests. We replied that he would study, and had to study it very quickly, because a few days later he was put there the parking lot, despite our opposition. That year (2007) was the first that failed to play in the next booted eagle nest, though not that of the black kite (ending soon). The following year (2008), and two nests were lost, the eagle and the hawk, but both had started breeding. All these data were published, with details but indicate sites in the Fact Sheets, and also told some at meetings of the Board of Directors. In 2009, the road itself raised, but not the dove. From a distance, I could see, in 2009, visitors eating or snacking, with table and chairs, just below the old nest, which I hardly again be occupied if the car stays there. We can not understand, therefore, that we reply as before alluded to.
I have also seen, in 2009, and on the other side of the pond, bathing in the occupied nests of herons during the breeding season, despite signs that forbid theory.

7 .- Contribution 7. We welcome the built-in monitoring of irrigation infrastructure, and recalled that there was a proposal to that effect was rejected at the time by the direction of the park, although who proposed (Juan José Molina) was probably the person most previous work had done so altruistic about it (as shown in the Fact Sheets).

Furthermore, we reiterate what has been said about the alteration of valuable habitats for amphibians, certain invertebrates, etc., Paradoxically, as a result of the creation of a natural park that theoretically and legally should protect them, and certainly without consulting the Fund or to make If none. We understand that the issue itself should be subject to this program, including conservation. Contributions 8/9.-

8 and 9. 8.1 .- With respect to the granting of permits .- According to the Natural Park Act (Article 2), and with the NRDP (Article 11), research work, provided they do not harm the environment, should be authorized and encouraged by the direction of the Park, "without putting unnecessary barriers", as said Juan Jose Molina on behalf of conservation groups (not just the Fund) at the Governing Board.

Despite this, and that is unusual, I have personally suffered even after several requests and obtained permits to continue to conduct censuses and surveys I've been doing 35 years, various obstacles that rub or exceeds the absurd (and may also illegal), at least in some of the five years of the Park ( not all), and I can detail if desired. I was not the only member of the Fund has suffered this type of difficulty, in some cases very serious, and we can achieve. This has caused considerable distress, specifically in some of the people who should have been given more facilities for its rigorous, selfless, free for the park, and many years. In fact, not a few veteran researchers have chosen to focus primarily on the environment of the park to avoid what in some cases has come to seem almost a chase. Others have preferred to leave to keep asking so many permits, and simply avoid the various controls, which lately is often easy, as reporters often do not park in their jobs.
face some situations that we had to suffer and that we consider unacceptable, it seems essential that the program explicitly mentioned to ensure that we continue with our tracking of wildlife. Each year I applied, unsuccessfully so far, that I be given a permanent lease for my studies and surveys, censuses were the first, and during long time the only, on nests and chicks of vultures and owls and other birds. Also our collective fall censuses, some censuses of waterfowl (and other prey species) that have been underway for many years by the same or the same ornithologists, etc.., Should have a permanent permit, in our opinion.

As noted above, we expressly recognizing the value of our work (citing the Fund or the corresponding author), and simply to ensure a permanent license to continue to do so (no new challenges). This guarantee, requested several times (also in the contributions to the program), is still missing, although our studies did not involve any costs for the park.

8.2 .- With respect to the censuses of autumn .- As noted above, the final reports also appear online, so anyone can download them. In addition, the summary is widely available in many media of all kinds, often including electronic or printed newsletters the Board itself Castilla y León (sometimes, with link to full report). We have also provided to all members of the Governing Board of the Park, repeatedly, and paying (the representative associations or the alternate representative) all copies of your pocket. In addition, it publishes circulars Fund, we have also provided members of the Governing Board. Indeed, in the last session of the Governing Board that I attended, the director of the park was the only board member who refused to collect the large folder of documents that I gave for free to all (to everyone but him, because offered it and did not catch), and included the summary among other things, so I do not understand that now seem interested, especially when in previous years gave the full printed report, as gifts, in the Casa del Parque, without received no response.

And as for the commitment to do so .- The census has been carried out autumn 27 years (since 1983 inclusive, not since 2010 and have been in the program and should correct it), without interruption, or by weather conditions (some years have been very harsh), nor by the camps that the Junta de Castilla y León authorized in 2008 during the conduct of the census even though we all previous permits (including the Board) and put at real risk the lives of several participants (some spread about it in Internet photos, which were quite mentioned).
Neither signatory of the program and the response to comment, has never participated in the census of autumn, and has not attended any previous or subsequent meetings, in spite I know I Antonio Ruiz expressly invited to do so the current director of the park. As noted by Juan Prieto at these meetings, the census will continue through fall only if the number of participants, well prepared, is still sufficiently high for it (not only for the field, but also but also for previous work organization, and subsequent review of progress reports and final report, tasks that require fewer but longer). So far, the number of participants has always been more than enough, but it is a voluntary task and no one can guarantee that it remains so (as we want and expect.)

8.3 .- With respect to the acquisition of the Fact Sheets, and other issues .- As we have repeatedly stated, the Fact Sheets from the No. 25 are also on the Internet, and have recently been put on the Internet the first seventeen numbers (thanks to the generous and substantial assistance of Juan Luis Galindo, Raul Gonzalez, et al.) Anyone can download in pdf.
believe, however, the Park House should also purchase the print edition, at least the last numbers (the last two, 32 and 33, totaling 820 pages, and all are sold out earlier), as has been done public libraries in various locations (including Segovia, Aranda, and Madrid), and several universities. Casa del Parque in only three (numbers 24, 28 and 29), as contained in the Annual Report 2009 (p. 59). This printed edition is sold at cost price, and the aforementioned public participation meeting, convened by the Board, it was unanimously agreed that the Park House buy the latest issues of the Newsletter. Protested in the Governing Board for breach of this Agreement (and any others that our proposal were adopted, at that meeting), and zoo director said that there was no budget para ello. Alegué que, si no había presupuesto, cómo figuraban otras muchas publicaciones adquiridas, a lo que me respondió que las adquiría cierto organismo. Contesté que el mismo organismo podía comprar también las Hojas Informativas, y que si no lo hacían era porque no les daba la gana; a lo que me respondió el director del parque, literalmente, en público y en la Junta Rectora: “Pues eso, porque no nos da la gana”,

Aunque al actual director del parque “no le dé la gana” cumplir el mencionado acuerdo, ya en 2004 enviamos más de 400 firmas, incluyendo las firmas de muy buenos conocedores del Refugio, protestando, entre otras cosas, porque las Sheets did not appear in the Park House. It seems quite obvious that at least one copy of the latest print editions should appear there, especially when it is sold at cost, to the point that a friend in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich was printed from the Internet and bound in a store, I said which had cost him more expensive than if I had purchased.
I think that not only the latest Sheets, but other recent books or publications, either wholly or partially to the gorges of Riaz (from the wonderful book group "Crystal Nail" to our collective well book "The Legend of gullies" ) should be acquired House by the Park. In some articles, different people have protested precisely for this absence.
other hand, have spent every year (according to all reports received) hundreds of thousands of dollars in public-use actions (in the park or around) that are not always environmentally friendly and consistent with the purposes for which we in the park (you can set different examples.) We believe that the Junta de Castilla y León, which seems so generous for such actions, should also have a budget to compensate pastoralists, farmers and other locals that may cause damage wildlife in the region (although damage compensation WWF Refuge As we praise, but the park and its surroundings is not only the Refuge). To cite a concrete example, it is amazing the response to look like a pastor of the environment, in the sense that the Board had no budget to pay for the damage he caused, on the roof of his pen, hungry vultures (for more than the hungry vultures want to consider only as "possible"), which certainly had not ever happened before, and had to be the Fund, which seeks to deny any "responsibility for land management" who organized a collection to pay for such damage to the pastor.
In this program of "conservation" does not indicate anything relating to solve conservation problems arising paradoxically following the declaration of the nature reserve (or certain projects supported by its current director), who have repeatedly denounced, and which also highlighted the Ombudsman (File No. Q0502445) you do not even responded (four urgent formal requests) and the Joint Attorney, who recently opened a new record.
Finally, it has not addressed our request not mentioned in the program ("conservation, monitoring and research) other specific tasks, including census 35 years I have been doing. Over 26,894 hours (44 minutes) of field work, avoiding all sorts of obstacles (including weather), I have personally performed 4,277 tracking griffon vulture chicks that came later (in 737 different nests with breeding success, all numbered) , 309 chickens vulture that came later (in 73 successful nests, a total of 93 different nests), and so on, without charge or ask for anything material for it, and at the expense of not a few personal sacrifices. In addition, I have devoted much more time (most of my life, since the refuge was created, and even from something before) to classify the data, to study and defend the land (with a lot more people) and record the information kindly provided by hundreds of entities or people in love with these places. This has been widely published and disseminated, including my censuses of nests and chicks successfully flown, who also received several awards in the early years, and I remember are, at least for a large wild population followed with rigor and accuracy each year, the longest of which I have news (not only in Spain, to my knowledge). Despite our requests, and we still do not receive a permanent license to continue, and neither are named these surveys, nor are there with them in the research and monitoring program (with the exception now of census collective fall, and some references have been incorporated into the literature, I reiterate thanks), and is mentioned in the introduction to the Fund, nor is any mention of the guards, or the Refuge of CHD, or other persons or entities. The census of vultures and owls began in 1975, long before the years indicating continuing in this program. In fact, even the census of vultures funded by WWF and written by different people, began well before the year indicated by them on a poster on the history of the Refuge, as I indicated. Given the continued failure of that program, and the other previously mentioned reasons, we can not in general (I've discussed with many people very involved in it, including all members of the board of directors of the Fund and other associations), and I can not particularly support it, which does not preclude that, although voting against, recognize and thankful for the progress already mentioned, which are positive but we feel inadequate. Montejo de la Vega
the Serrezuela, February 16, 2010. PD-

In memory of Fortunato González Mínguez

Making the census of the Egyptian vulture and other birds, as
every year since 1975 (inclusive), I am impressed by the sad news of
death in crash, 1 July 2010, Fortunato
González Mínguez, at 76 years. I teach just
Newspapers publication. I say that in his village of Santa Cruz Burgos
de la Salceda is a crowded place and moving funeral.

Fortunato was 35 years (1963-1998), the manager of the dam reservoir
Segovia de Linares del Arroyo,
Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero. He lived with his wife Victorine
Bernal Bernal, with whom he had three children (John Joseph, Abel and Blas), the
second of which took office after his retirement.
Fortunato was then (on 11/12 June 1998) a moving tribute
of CHD, as reported in the Fact Sheet No. 26 on
Refuge (p. 155), and in our collective book "The Legend of
the gully" (p. 60). I

from these beautiful lands in which Fortunato
worked all his life, to dedicate a few lines of recognition
him and his family, and also thank the kindness, support and love I have always
shown during the 36 years of the Refuge. Fortunato

effectively developed not only his work, which had
a diary, but I knew it
earning the appreciation and respect and trust of the people of the area, as not all get
. Fortunato was a good man, saying
clearly what I thought. On the other hand, I think enjoyed his
facet of farmer.
addition, he and many anecdotes Victorina
remember when they offered the phone (the only environment), or invited
drink, Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente and members of his television crew
Man and Earth ", from even before the creation
Raptor Refuge. Many years later, in 1996
(12 January), also the current Prince of Spain, visited
because of some films in the Shelter
television series "The Wild Spain."

tell me that the ashes of Fortunato, doing his will, have
been scattered in his beloved Linares reservoir. His name will always
joined this Refuge, its history, and our illusions. Thank
Fortunato and his family for all their help and collaboration
, and everything I was taught. Many minds to
Victorine and her children, in this reservoir and its splendid surroundings,
Fortunato possibly still see in some way, from the sky
that God has in store.

Dr. Fidel Jose

Fernández y Fernández-Arroyo / ID 5352399 T
Representative associations of nature conservation in the Governing Board of the Park Fund President
Refuge Sickles of Riaz, and Director of the Conference on Vulture.
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis) and Professor of Institute (Mathematics).
c / Thought, 15 - 3 º A \u200b\u200b/ 28020-Madrid / Tel 91-5793345

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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