Monday, May 23, 2011

Strangled Woman Image

Endocrine System Endocrinology is the medical specialty that studies the glands that produce hormones, that is, the ductless glands or endocrine glands.

Endocrinologists study normal effects of the secretions from these glands, and the harmful effects of malfunction of the same. The most important endocrine glands are: • the hypothalamus and pituitary gland • the thyroid · the parathyroid • the pancreas · the adrenal · the ovaries · the testicles

The Endocrine System is the set of organs and tissues that release a class of substances called hormones. The endocrine organs are also called ductless glands or endocrine glands because their secretions are released directly into the bloodstream, while exocrine glands release their secretions on the inner or outer surface of skin tissue, the lining of the stomach or the lining of the pancreatic ducts. The hormones secreted by the endocrine glands regulate growth, development and functions of many tissues, and coordinate the body's metabolic processes.

hormone-producing tissues can be classified into three groups: endocrine glands, whose function is the exclusive production of hormones, endo-exocrine glands that produce secretions also other hormones as well, and certain glandular tissues such as nervous tissue of the autonomic nervous system that produces hormone-like substances .

Pituitary The pituitary, also called the pituitary gland, is made up of three lobes: the anterior, intermediate, that in primates there is only for a short period of life, and back. Located at the base of the brain and has been called the "master gland." Anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary diferentes.El lobes secrete hormones anterior pituitary releases several hormones that stimulate the function of other endocrine glands, such as corticotropin, adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH, which stimulates the adrenal cortex, stimulating hormone or thyroid hormone (TSH ) which controls the thyroid, the follicle-stimulating hormone or follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulate the sex glands, and prolactin, which, like other special hormones, influences milk production by the mammary glands. The anterior pituitary is a source of production of growth hormone or somatotropin, which favors the development of body tissues, including bone matrix and muscle, and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates. The anterior pituitary also secretes a hormone called melanocyte stimulating, stimulating the synthesis of melanin in the pigment cells or melanocytes. In the 1970's, scientists found that the anterior pituitary also produces substances called endorphins, which are peptides that act on the central and peripheral nervous system to reduce sensitivity to pain.
The hypothalamus, part of the brain from where the pituitary gland produces hormones "controlling." These hormones regulate processes body such as metabolism and control the release of hormones from glands like the thyroid, adrenals and gonads (testes or ovaries). Also secretes an antidiuretic hormone (which controls water excretion) called vasopressin, which circulates and is stored in the posterior pituitary lobe. Vasopressin controls the amount of water excreted by the kidneys and increases blood pressure. The posterior pituitary lobe also stores a hormone produced by the hypothalamus called oxytocin. This hormone stimulates muscle contractions, especially the uterus, and excretion of milk by the mammary glands.

three secretion of anterior pituitary hormones is subject to control by hypothalamic releasing factors: thyrotropin secretion is stimulated by thyrotropin releasing factor (TRF), and luteinizing hormone by hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). Dopamine is usually prepared by the hypothalamus to inhibit the release of prolactin by the anterior pituitary. Furthermore, the release of growth hormone is inhibited by somatostatin, also synthesized in the pancreas. This means that the brain also functions as a gland.

adrenal glands The two glands are located above the kidneys.

Each adrenal gland consists of an inner zone called the medulla and an outer zone called the cortex. The adrenal medulla produces adrenaline, also called epinephrine and norepinephrine, which affects a large number of body functions. These substances stimulate the activity of the heart, increase blood pressure, and act on the contraction and dilation of blood vessels and muscles. Epinephrine raises blood glucose levels (glucose). All these actions help the body cope with emergencies more effectively. The bark adrenal produces a group of hormones called glucocorticoids, including corticosterone and cortisol, and mineralocorticoids, including aldosterone and other hormonal substances essential for the maintenance of life and adaptation to stress. Adrenal secretions regulate the balance of water and salt from the body, affect blood pressure, acting on the lymphatic system, influence the mechanisms of the immune system and regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, the adrenal glands also produce small amounts of male and female hormones. Thyroid

Thyroid bilobed gland is located in the neck. Thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine increases oxygen consumption and stimulate the rate of metabolic activity, regulate the growth and maturation of body tissues and act on the physical alertness and mental. The thyroid also secretes a hormone called calcitonin, which lowers blood levels of calcium in the blood and inhibits bone resorption.

The parathyroid glands are located in an area close to or are embedded in the thyroid gland. Parathyroid hormone or parathyroid hormone regulates blood levels calcium and phosphorus and stimulates bone resorption. Ovaries

The ovaries are female reproductive organs or female gonads. Paired structures are almond shaped on both sides of the uterus. Ovarian follicles produce eggs, or eggs, and also secrete a group of hormones called estrogens, which are necessary for the development of reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics, such as fat distribution, extent of pelvic and breast growth pubic and underarm hair.

Progesterone exerts its main action on the uterine mucosa in the maintenance of pregnancy. It also acts with estrogens favoring the growth and the elasticity of the vagina. The ovaries also produce a hormone called relaxin, which acts on the ligaments of the pelvis and the cervix and causes their relaxation during labor, thus facilitating delivery. Testicles

male gonads or testes pairs are ovoid bodies that are suspended in the scrotum. Leydig cells of the testes produce one or more male hormones, called androgens. The most important is testosterone, which stimulates the development secondary sexual characters, influences the growth of the prostate and seminal vesicles, and stimulates the secretory activity of these structures. The testicles also contain cells that produce sperm or male gametes. Pancreas

Most pancreatic exocrine tissue is formed by releasing enzymes into the duodenum. There are clusters of endocrine cells, called islets of Langerhans, scattered throughout the tissue that secretes insulin and glucagon. Insulin acts on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, increasing the rate of glucose utilization and favoring the formation protein and fat storage. Glucagon transiently increased levels of blood glucose by releasing glucose from the liver. Placenta The placenta, an organ formed during pregnancy from the membrane surrounding the fetus, takes several endocrine functions of the pituitary gland and ovaries that are important in maintaining pregnancy. Secretes the hormone called chorionic gonadotropin, a substance present in the urine during pregnancy and is the basis of pregnancy tests. The placenta produces progesterone and estrogen, chorionic somatotropin (a hormone with some of the characteristics of growth hormone) placental lactogen lactogenic hormones.

Other bodies

Other tissues in the body produce hormones or similar substances. The kidneys secrete a known agent that activates the renin angiotensin hormone produced in the liver. This hormone in turn raises blood pressure, and is believed to be caused largely by stimulating the adrenal glands. The kidneys also produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates production of red blood cells from the bone marrow. The gastrointestinal tract produces a number of substances that regulate the functions of the digestive tract such as stomach gastrin, which stimulates acid secretion, and secretin and colescistoquinina of the small intestine, which stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and hormones. The colescistoquinina also causes contraction of the gallbladder. In the 1980's, it was observed that the heart also secretes a hormone called atrial natriuretic factor, involved in the regulation of blood pressure and body fluid balance.

The confusion over the functional definition of the endocrine system due to the discovery that many hormones typically seen in places where they have a hormonal activity. Norepinephrine is present in the nerve endings, which transmits nerve impulses. The components of the renin-angiotensin system have been found in the brain, where their functions are unknown. Intestinal peptides gastrin, cholecystokinin, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) were also located in the brain. Endorphins are present in the gut and growth hormone appears in the cells of the islets of Langerhans. In the pancreas, growth hormone appears to act locally by inhibiting the release of insulin and glucagon from the endocrine cells.

Hormone Metabolism
known hormones fall into three chemical groups: proteins, steroids and amines. Those who belong to the group of proteins or polypeptides include hormones produced by the anterior pituitary, parathyroid, placenta and pancreas. In the group of steroid hormones are the adrenal cortex and gonads. Amines are produced by the adrenal and thyroid. Hormone synthesis takes place inside cells and, in most cases, the product is stored inside until it is released into the blood. However, the thyroid and the ovaries contain special areas for storage of hormones.

The release of hormones depends on blood levels of certain hormones and other metabolic products under hormonal influence, as well as nerve stimulation. The production of the hormones of the anterior pituitary is inhibited when the gland caused by target (target) particular, adrenal cortex, thyroid and gonads circulate in the blood. For example, when a certain amount of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream the pituitary disrupts production of thyroid stimulating hormone to the thyroid hormone levels drop. Therefore, circulating hormone levels are maintained in a constant balance. This mechanism, known as homeostasis or negative feedback, is similar to the activation system with a thermostat for the temperature of a room on or off a prolonged administration caldera.La from outside adrenocortical hormones, thyroid, sexual and almost completely stopped the production of hormones for stimulating of the pituitary gland, causing temporary atrophy of the glands target. On the contrary, if the target gland production is far below the normal level, the continuous production-stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland hypertrophy, such as goiter yodo.La deficit hormone release is also regulated the amount substances circulating in blood, whose presence or use is under hormonal control. High levels of glucose in the blood stimulate the production and release of insulin while low levels stimulate the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and glucagon, and maintaining the balance in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Similarly, a deficit of calcium in the blood stimulates the secretion of PTH, whereas high levels stimulate the release of calcitonin by tiroides.La endocrine function is also regulated by the nervous system, as evidenced by the adrenal response to stress. The different endocrine organs are subjected to various forms of nervous control. The adrenal medulla and posterior pituitary glands are richly innervated and controlled directly by the nervous system. However, the adrenal cortex, thyroid and gonads, although nerve respond to various stimuli, lack of specific innervation and maintain their function when transplanted to other parts of the body. The anterior pituitary innervation is sparse, but can not work if trasplanta.Se know how hormones exert many metabolic and morphological effects. However, it is thought that the effects on cell function is due to its action on cell membranes or enzymes, by regulating the expression of genes or by regulating the release of ions or other small molecules. Although apparently not consumed or changed in the metabolism, hormones can be largely destroyed by chemical degradation. Final hormone products quickly and are excreted in the urine found in large quantities, and also in feces and sweat.

endocrine cycles

The endocrine system exerts a regulatory effect on the cycles of reproduction, including the development of the gonads, the period of functional maturation and subsequent aging and menstrual cycle and pregnancy period. The cyclical pattern of estrus, which is the period during which it is possible fertile breeding animals, is also regulated by hormonas.La puberty, sexual maturation period is determined by an increased secretion of pituitary hormones that stimulate the gonads or gonadotropins, which produce the maturation of the testes or ovaries and increase the secretion of sex hormones. In turn, sex hormones act on the sexual organs and sexual development subsidiary GENERAL. women, puberty is associated with the onset of menstruation and ovulation. Ovulation is the release that of an egg from an ovarian follicle, occurs approximately every 28 days, between day 10 and 14 of the menstrual cycle in women. The first part of the cycle is marked by the menstrual period, which covers an average of three to five days, and the maturation of the ovarian follicle under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary. After ovulation and under the influence of another hormone, called luteinizing hormone, the empty follicle forms an endocrine body called the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone, estrogen, and it is likely that during pregnancy, relaxin. Progesterone and estrogen prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. If this does not occur, the corpus luteum regresses, and the uterine lining, deprived of hormonal stimulation, it disintegrates and peels produce menstrual bleeding. The rhythmic pattern of menstruation is explained by the inhibition-stimulation reciprocal relationship between estrogen and the pituitary-stimulating hormones gónadas.Si pregnancy occurs, the placental secretion of gonadotropins, progesterone and estrogen maintains the corpus luteum and endometrium and prepares the breasts for milk production and lactation. The secretion of estrogen and progesterone is high during pregnancy and reaches its peak just before birth. Lactation occurs shortly after birth, presumably as a result of changes in hormonal balance after separation of the placenta .
With the progressive aging of the ovaries, and decreased production of estrogen, menopause occurs. In this period of gonadotropin secretion increases as a result of the absence of inhibition of estrogen. In men the corresponding period is marked by a gradual reduction in the secretion of androgens.

disorders of endocrine function

Changes in production can be classified as endocrine hyperfunction (excess activity) or hypofunction (insufficient activity). An overactive thyroid gland may be caused by a hormone-producing tumor is benign or, less commonly, malignant. Hypofunction may be due to birth defects, cancer, inflammatory lesions, degeneration, disorders affecting the pituitary target organs, trauma, or, in the case of thyroid disease, iodine deficiency. Hypofunction may also result from surgical removal of a gland or destruction by radiotherapy. Hyperfunction of the anterior pituitary with the overproduction of growth hormone causes acromegaly or gigantism sometimes, or if there is excess hormone production stimulating the adrenal cortex may be a group of symptoms known as Cushing syndrome, including hypertension, weakness, polycythemia, purple striae, and a special type of obesity. The anterior pituitary deficiency leads to dwarfism (if it appears at the beginning of life), lack of sexual development, weakness, and sometimes severe malnutrition. A decrease in the activity of the adrenal cortex causes Addison's disease, while excessive activity may cause Cushing syndrome or virilism result, the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics in women and children. Alterations function of the gonads mainly affect the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Thyroid deficiencies produce cretinism and dwarfism in infants, and myxedema, characterized by coarse features and decreased mental and physical reactions in the adult. Overactive thyroid (Graves' disease, toxic goiter) is characterized by bulging eyes, trembling and sweating, increased pulse rate, heart palpitations and nervous irritability. Diabetes insipidus is due to antidiuretic hormone deficiency, and diabetes mellitus , a defect in the production of the pancreatic hormone insulin, or can be the result of inadequate response of the organism.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mobile Pet Vacc Schedule

Endocrine System Nervous System Central Nervous System

4. nerves

6. brain

9. The cerebral peduncles and colliculi

12. striatum

1. Introduction

The Nervous System, the most complete and unknown to all who make up the human body says with the Endocrine System, the functions of the organismo.Capaz control to receive and integrate numerous data from different sensory organs to achieve a response from the body, the nervous system usually is responsible for monitoring the activities faster. In addition, the nervous system is responsible for the intellective functions, such as memory the emotions or volitions.

Your anatomical constitution is very complex, and cells that compose it, unlike the rest of the body, lack regenerative capacity.

Next will have to know everything related to the Central Nervous System .

2. Fundamentals of the nervous system and its functions

The human being is endowed with neural mechanisms through which it receives information of the alterations that occur in your external and internal environment and others, that able to react to the information properly. Through these mechanisms see and hear, act, analyze, organize and store in your brain records of their experiences.

These neural mechanisms lines are set communication system calls nerviosoEl whole nervous system is divided into: central nervous system



Spinal Cord.
Also called "Life on" because their functions are:

perceive stimuli from the outside world.

transmit nerve impulses to sensory processing centers.

production or effector impulses government.

effector transmission of these impulses to skeletal muscles.

peripheral nervous system



Nerve function raquídeos.Tiene as receiving and transmitting to the system central nervous sensory impulses, and to target organs other impulses .

autonomic nervous system


sympathetic trunk, formed by nerve cords that extend longitudinally along the neck, thorax and abdomen on each side of spine.

peripheral lymph . (The nodes are groups of cell bodies).

This system is called also "autonomous." Is related to the viscera, glands, heart , blood vessels and lisos.Su muscles is efferent function, transmitting impulses that regulate the functions of the organs in accordance with the vital requirements of the moment.

3. The neuron

The neuron cell is nervous neuroblasto.Es derived from the functional unit of the nervous system provides a link for communicating between receptors and effectors, through nerve fibers.

consists of three parts:

body or soma, composed mainly of nucleus, cytoplasm and nucleolus.

Dendrites: nerve endings.

Axon: long ending, which can reach up to one meter in length.The axon usually has multiple endings called terminal buttons, which are in proximity to the dendrites or in the body of another neuron .

The separation between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites or the body of another, is of the order of 0.02 micras.Esta relationship between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another is called "synapses ".

Through synapses, a neuron sends a message pulses from axon to dendrites or other body, and transmitting information nerviosa.La synaptic transmission has the following character istics: The nerve impulse conduction takes place in one sense: the axon of a neuron body or dendrites of another neuron synapse. The nerve impulse is propagated through chemical intermediates, such as acetylcholine and norepinephrine, which are released by the axon terminals of the first neuron and are received by the following prompt in it the production of a new momentum. In the central nervous system neurons, excitatory and inhibitory and each substance releases its own mediator. The speed impulse conduction along nerve fibers varies from 1 to 100 meters per second, according to their size, being higher in the longest. When the presynaptic terminals are stimulated continuously or in high frequency, transmitted pulses decreased in number because of a "synaptic fatigue." The transmission of a signal from one neuron to another suffers a delay of 5 milliseconds.
The neuroglia. The central nervous system man is about 10 billion neurons and 5 to 10 times more glial cells.

These cells form a tissue called glia that has the following duties: Provide support to the brain and spinal cord. Skirting the blood vessels forming an impenetrable barrier to toxins. Neurons provide vital chemicals. Removed by phagocytosis, the dead tissue. Insulate axons through the myelin.

4. The nerves are nerviosLos usually do or sets of axons, but the sensory nerves which are composed of functional dendrites long ranging from the "boom" of the spinal cord to the sensory receptors and their function of conducting impulses as axons. The various nerve fibers forming a unity maintained by connective tissue. The nerves can be classified in several ways: By origin: spinal: Composed of nerve fibers of the anterior roots and motor and sensory or posterior roots, which leave the bone through the foramina. The spinal nerves are visceral and somáticosLos visceral elements are related to structures surrounding the digestive, respiratory, urogenital and vascular system and most of the glands.

somata are related to the coating body tissues and voluntary muscles.

Skull: There are 12 pairs of nerves that arise from the brainstem at the level of the fourth ventricle, above the medulla and serve mostly to specialized senses of the face and head. Its performance is mixed, ie, it contains sensory and motor fibers.

Among the cranial nerves are: the olfactory, the optic, which joins the central nervous system to the thalamus, the oculomotor, the trochlear or pathetic, the abducens, the trigeminal nerve fibers sensory temperature, pain, touch and pressure , the facial, the ramjet-acoustic; and acoustic receivers position and movements of the head, the glossopharyngeal, vagus and the spinal accessory halibut.

By function:

Sensory or afferent


conduct impulses that inform the various sensations.

motors or efferent:

conduct impulses to motor functions.

Mixed: fibers contain sensory and motor fibers.

For collectors: exteroceptive: For pulses produced by outside stimuli body: touch, temperature , pain, pressure , and sensory organs like the eye and ear .


: For stimuli born in the same body: muscles, tendons, joints and related balance. Interoceptive: For the impulses from the viscera: digestive system, respiratory, circulatory, urogenital and glands.

5. The spinal cord

The spinal cord is a cylindrical mass of nerve tissue that occupies the spinal canal is 40 to 45 cm in length and extends from the foramen magnum, which is continuous with the medulla to the lumbar region.
is protected by the meningeal membranes, pia, arachnoid and dura mater and cerebrospinal fluid.
From the region of the second lumbar vertebra, where the bone ends, to rump, down a filament delgadollamado "filum terminale" and sacral nerve roots and lumbar vertebrae, forming a bundle of fibers called "tail horse. "
From out 31 pairs of spinal nerves that give it a segmented: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and coccygeal.
Bone consists of a gray matter consists of cell bodies, and white matter consists of myelinated fibers ascending and descending.
ascending fibers are ascending beams that are sensitive and conduct impulses they receive from skin, muscles and joints to different brain areas.
descending fibers are descending beams are engines and conduct impulses from higher centers of the brain others who reside in the bone or the muscles and glands.
The gray matter has a widening called "horns", two gift dorsal or later, two ventral and two intermediate or above and are located between the dorsal and ventral. The dorsal horns contain neurons that control motor responses of the autonomic nervous system and the ventral motor neurons whose axons end in the muscles of the somatic system.
In the center of the gray matter and along it there is a small fluid-filled canal cefalorraquídeo.Otro important aspect of the spinal anatomy, is that there are neurons which connect between the sensory and motor fibers, which gives rise reflex responses that need not be ordered by the brain centers.
The functions of a bone are
center is a partnership, through which are made reflexes.
is a two-way direction :
from the periphery to the brain centers (sensitive).
From brain centers to the periphery (motor).
6. The brain
The brain is the central nervous system enclosed in the cranial cavity.
is divided into:
midbrain. Brain

The brain or rhombencephalon posterior is located in the part immediately above the spinal cord and consists of three structures : the medulla, pons or bridge, and the cerebellum. It is also the fourth ventricle.

The forebrain or prosencephalon is divided into diencephalon and telencephalon.
The diencephalon comprises: the thalamus, hypothalamus, optic chiasm, the pituitary, the mamillary bodies and the cavity called the third ventricle.
the telencephalon consists of the basal ganglia: caudate and lenticular nuclei that form the corpus striatum and the amygdaloid body and faculty, the rhinencephalon, hippocampus and septal area, which form the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex or neocortex . The enlargement of the telencephalon
form the cerebral hemispheres consisting of three lobes: frontal, temporal and occipital lobes. Externamente los hemisferios tienen múltiples pliegues separados por hendiduras que cuando son profundas se llaman cisuras.
Los dos hemisferios están unidos por el cuerpo calloso, formado por fibras que cruzan de un hemisferio a otro.
La corteza cerebral es una capa de sustancia gris que se extiende sobre la superficie de los hemisferios.
De estas estructuras del encéfalo sólo vamos a estudiar algunas que tienen importancia más resaltante para comprender las bases fisiológicas de la conducta .
7. El bulbo
Es una estructura que se halla en el extremo superior de la médula y como prolongación de ella. En el hombre mide unos 3 cm de longitud. A bulb
level crossing some nerve bundles going to the opposite side of the brain after join those who had crossed in the medulla. Similarly fibers coming from the brain across the bulb to go to the opposite side through the bone.
Bulb Features:
is the most important center of vegetative life because in it are located the central connections related breathing and heart rate, any injury can be fatal in this region.
connection serves some cranial nerves.
The bulb is involved in the following reflections: VO myth, coughing, salivation, the breathing, sneezing, sucking, swallowing, and vasomotor.

Iit Chemistry /o.p.agarwal

The nervous system is a network of highly specialized tissues, whose main component to neurons, cells that are interconnected in complex ways that have the ability to drive, using electrochemical signals (see Synapse), a variety of stimuli within the nervous tissue and to most other tissues, and coordinating multiple functions in the body. DivisionesAnatómicamente, the nervous system Homo sapiens (as well as many other species) are grouped in different organs, which actually make up stations where they spend the neural pathways. Thus, for study, these bodies can be grouped according to their location, in two parts: central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
The Central Nervous System : This comprises the Brain and Spinal Cord , is protected by three membranes, the meninges . Inside there is a system of cavities called ventricles, through which circulates the liquid cerebrospinal . The brain is the central nervous system is protected by the skull . It comprises the brain the cerebellum and brainstem . Brain
: is the most voluminous. Is divided into two hemispheres, one right and one left, separated by the interhemispheric fissure and communicated through the corpus callosum . The surface is called cerebral cortex and consists of refolding called convolutions formed gray. Underlying it is the white matter. In deep zones are areas of gray matter forming nuclei and the thalamus the caudate nucleus or hypothalamus .
Cerebellum: It's in the bottom and back of the brain, lodged in the posterior cranial fossa near the brainstem.
Brainstem : Composed of midbrain the pons and medulla . Connects the brain to the spinal cord .
The spinal cord is an extension the brain, like a cord that extends inside the spine . It is the gray matter inside and white outside.
Peripheral Nervous System: It consists of the nerves, cranial and spinal nerves that emerge from the central nervous system and travel throughout the body, containing axons of neural pathways with different functions and the lymph peripherals that are in the path containing nerves and cell bodies, the only outside the central nervous system. The
cranial nerves are 12 pairs that send sensory information from the neck and head to the central nervous system. Receive motor commands to control the skeletal muscles of the neck and head. The
spinal nerves are 31 pairs and are in charge of sending sensory information (touch, pain and temperature) of the trunk and limbs and the position and condition of the muscles and joints of the trunk and limbs to the central nervous system and, from there, receiving motor commands for the control of skeletal muscle which are driven by the spinal division espinal.Una less anatomical but much more functional, which divides the system nervous according to the role that different neural pathways, regardless of whether they walk part of the central nervous system or peripheral.
The somatic nervous system : Also called the nervous system of personal relationships, is formed by the set of neurons that regulate voluntary or conscious functions in the body (eg muscle movement, touch).
The autonomic nervous system, also called the autonomic nervous system or (incorrectly) visceral nervous system is formed by the set of neurons that regulate involuntary or unconscious functions in the body (eg bowel movement, visceral sensitivity).
noteworthy that neurons in both systems can reach or leave these bodies if they are voluntary and involuntary functions (and, indeed, these organs are the majority.) In some texts it is considered that the autonomic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system, but this is incorrect because, in its way, some neurons in the autonomic nervous system can be passed by both the central nervous system by the peripheral, which also occurs in the somatic nervous system. The division between central and peripheral nervous system has only anatomical purposes.
In turn, the vegetative system is classified into sympathetic and parasympathetic , systems whose functions are largely antagonistic. We have in our body approximately 150,000 miles of nerves that run throughout our body.

Pay For Your Own Dinner Invitation


excretion in humans
-excretion is the last process of the role of nutrition, but just as important as everyone else. The unit responsible for carrying out the excretory, but also involved other devices diferentes.El excretory apparatus is responsible for cleaning the blood of waste products it has collected in each tissue and organ. It consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The kidneys are the organs responsible for cleansing the blood of waste, making the urine as a final product. have about 12 cm in length and are arranged in the back of abdomen.Los ureters are the tubes that start from the renal pelvis and carries urine to the bladder.
The bladder is a muscular organ, shaped like a balloon, which expands as it fills with urine and compressed in the act of urination. The bladder capacity is approximately 350 cm3. When the tension of the walls of the bladder exceeds a certain value, there is a nervous reflex, which receives Reflecting the name of urination, and urination becomes conscious.
The urethra is a tube from the bladder and the urine is expelled by urination.
The kidneys are made up of nephrons, which are responsible for producing urine. In a nephron can distinguish the following parts: glomerulus, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule and collecting duct, which collects the urine.

Crm Basic Exam Anwsers

Watson and Crick article

A Structure for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
We suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA .). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.
A structure for nucleic acid has been proposed by Pauling and Corey (1). Have kindly put at our disposal the manuscript before publication. Their model consists of three intertwined chains, with phosphates near the axis of the fiber, and the bases out. In our opinion, this structure is unsatisfactory for two reasons: (1) believe that the material obtained the X-ray diagrams is the salt, not the free acid. Without the acidic hydrogen atoms is not clear what forces can hold the structure together, especially as the negatively charged phosphates near the axis will repel each other. (2) Some of the van der Waals distances appear to be too small.
Another triple chain structure has been suggested by Fraser (in press). In his model the phosphates are out and the bases inward, held together by hydrogen bonds. This structure thus described is rather ill-defined as not discussed.
We offer here a radically different structure for the salt deoxyribonucleic acid. This structure has two helical chains each lap around the same axis (see diagram). We made the usual chemical assumptions, specifically, that each chain consists of phosphate diester groups joining beta-D residues desoxirribofuranosa links-3 ', 5'. The two chains (but not their bases) are related by a dyad perpendicular to the axis of the fiber. Both chains follow right-handed helix, but due to the dyad the sequences of atoms in the two chains run in opposite directions. Each of the chains separate model resembles Furberg No. 1 (2), that is, the bases are on the inside of the loop and phosphates on the outside. The configuration of the sugar and the atoms near approaches to the "standard configuration" of Furberg, sugar is available at right angles to the base attached. There is a residue on each chain every 3.4 Å in the direction-z. We have assumed an angle of 36 degrees between adjacent residues in the same chain, so that the structure is repeated after 10 residues on each chain, ie after 34 Å. The distance of a phosphorus atom from the axis of the fiber is 10 Å. As the phosphates are on the outside, cations have easy access to them. The structure is open and the water content is rather high. For us, content low bases and the structure would approach would be more compact.
The novel aspect of the structure is the manner in which the two chains are held together by purine and pyrimidine bases. The planes of the bases are perpendicular to the axis of the fiber. They meet in pairs, a base of one of the chains connected by hydrogen bonds to a base of the other chain, and thus the two are joined side by side with identical z-coordinate One of the pair must be purine and one pyrimidine. Hydrogen bonds are as follows: purine position 1 to pyrimidine position 1; purine position 6 to pyrimidine position 6 [etc.]
This figure is purely schematic. The two ribbons symbolize the sugar-phosphate chains, and the horizontal rods the pairs of bases holding the chains together. The vertical line marks the axis of the fiber.

Assuming that the bases only occur within the structure in the most plausible tautomeric forms (that is, setting the keto rather than enol) are the specific pairs of bases can join. These pairs are: adenine (purine) with thymine (pyrimidine) and guanine (purine) with cytosine (pyrimidine).
In other words, if an adenine is a member of a couple, on a string, then the other member must be thymine; something similar happens for the guanine and cytosine. The sequence of bases on a single chain does not appear to be restricted in any way. However, if they can only form specific base pairs, it follows that knowing the sequence of bases on one strand, then the sequence on the other chain is automatically determined.
has been found experimentally (3.4) that the ratio of adenine to thymine, and the ratio of guanine to cytosine, are always very close to unity for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is probably impossible to build this structure with a ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose, the extra oxygen atom would make too closed and form a van der Waals bond.
The X-ray data previously published (5.6) on deoxyribonucleic acid are insufficient for a rigorous test of our structure. So far we can say is roughly compatible with the experimental data, but should be seen as unproven until you have verified with more accurate results. Some of these will be submitted on the following communications. We were not aware of the details of the results presented when we devised our structure, which rests mainly but not entirely on published and experimental data and stereochemical arguments.
not escaped our communication pairing específico que hemos postulado sugiere inmediatamente un mecanismo copiador para el material genético .
Todos los detalles de la estructura, incluyendo las condiciones presumidas para su construcción, junto con un conjunto de coordenadas para los átomos, se publicarán con posterioridad.
Estamos en deuda con el Dr. Jerry Donohue por las constantes críticas y consejos, especialmente sobre distancias interatómicas. También hemos sido estimulados por el conocimiento general de la naturaleza y los resultados experimentales inéditos así como ideas del Dr. M.H.F. Wilkins , la Dra. R.E. Franklin y sus colaboradores del King's College , en Londres. Uno Whom (JDW) has been funded by a grant from the National Foundation for infantile paralysis.
JD Watson FHC Crick

Medical Research Council Unit for the Study of the Structure Molecular Biological Systems
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge

April 2 (1) Pauling, L. and Corey, RB, Nature, 171, 346 (1953); Proc.USNat.Sci., 39, 84 (1953).
(2) Furberg, S. Minutes Chem.Scand., 6, 634 (1952).
(3) Chargaff, e. For reference see Zamenhof, S, Brawerman, G. and Chargaff, E., Biochem. et. Biophys. Ata, 9, 402 (1952).
(4) Wyatt, GR, J. Gen.Physiol., 36, 201 (1952).
(5) Astbury, WT, Symp.Soc.Exp.Biol. 1, Nucleic Acid, 66 (Cambridge University Press, 1947).
(6) Wilkins, MHF and Randall, JT, Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 10, 192 (1953).

Article published in the journal Nature , April 25, 1953, p. 737.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The heart is a hollow organ that is located roughly in the middle of the chest. Is just above the diaphragm muscle, in front of the spine, behind the sternum and between the two lungs.
heart shape resembles a triangle with the base toward the apex up and down and left. In the adult weighs between 250 and 300 gr. and is about the size of a fist. Inside
4 chambers: two upper atria and two lower chambers called ventricles. A vertical wall (called the atrio-ventricular septum) divides the heart into 2 halves: right and left. The atrium and ventricle on one side, are in communication with each other by the atrio-ventricular orifice.
These holes are provided with a triangular sheet called valves, whose mission is to control the flow of blood that circulates inside the heart by opening or closing. The valve on the right side is called the tricuspid because it consists of three layers. The left valve is called mitral valve and consists of two sheets.
contractility and elasticity of the heart walls allow it to contract and dilate in a rhythm in what is known as heart rate, functioning as a pump and driving the blood, causing it to circulate continuously around the body. heartbeats occur 75 times per minute, varying according to age, sex, exercise and health status of the individual.
Inside the body, blood is constantly moving through the activity of the heart, which through its contraction forces her to move continuously in the same direction.
However, this blood, no massive floods and uncontrolled organs and body structures but their displacement occurs along the inside of a blood vessel called channels, which allow you from the heart to each and every body parts.
elements known as the blood vessels are arteries the veins and capillaries.
Arteries are vessels that starting from the ventricles carry blood to different organs.
Veins are blood vessels coming from the various organs of the body carrying blood to the heart, reaching their atria.
Capillaries are small-bore tubes that are in communication by a party with the ramifications of the arteries and the other with smaller veins, acting therefore as a bridge between both systems.
The heart and blood vessels are the transportation system, and thanks to him, it's possible contribution oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body and the collection and carbon dioxide and waste products that occur therein.
blood (venous blood-CO2-) after returning from the body enters the right atrium, passes into the right ventricle is pumped from there to the "artery" lung, which is divided into two branches of which will the right lung and one to the left lung.
in the lungs is exchanged for O2 and CO2-rich blood with sufficient oxygen (arterial blood), returns for the "veins" lung to the left atrium, thus passes into the left ventricle to the aorta exit throughout the body where new tissues made in exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.
The movement of blood in the transport system can be divided into two cycles: the greater circulation or general circulation and the pulmonary circulation, pulmonary circulation also called .
The pulmonary circulation was discovered in 1553 by English Miguel Servet and is known as pulmonary circulation because it corresponds to the stretch run in which the blood passes through the lungs.
largest circulation was discovered by the English physiologist William Harvey in 1628 for the passage of blood through the body.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Transportation System Digestive System Respiratory

Respiration is the term used to refer to the process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and the body. Through them ensures the provision of molecular oxygen necessary for metabolic processes in higher organisms and the elimination of carbon dioxide produced in the tissues. This is called gas exchange hematosis. For its realization the respiratory system consists of a system of pathways or airway, breathing portion, at which level gas exchange was performed and musculo-elastic apparatus that ensures the transport of gases.
Human Respiratory
is composed of:
- airways, which include the nasal passages, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus-bronchial tree. These structures warm, moisten and filter the inspired air before its arrival to the pulmonary respiratory portion.
- Share lung ventilation: consisting of the lung where the respiratory bronchioles, alveoli and interstitial tissue.
The nasal cavity , starts from the nostrils, is located above and below the mouth of the braincase. Contains the organs of sense of smell, and is lined by mucus-secreting epithelium. Riding on the same, the air is purified, moist and warm. If your capillaries dilate and the mucus secreted in excess, the nose is obstructed, symptoms characteristic of the cold.
The olfactory organ of smell is the mucous membrane lining the inside and top of the nostrils, called mucosa yellow to distinguish it from the red, which is covering the bottom.
mucosa of this red color is very rich in blood vessels, and contains glands that secrete a mucus that keeps the area moist.
yellow mucosa is rich in nerve endings nerve olfativo.Las nostrils have three folds, turbinates, separated by grooves or meatus is divided into upper, middle and bottom. The two lower lining the turbinate bone, and its function in a small space is to increase the sensory surface.
The volatile or odorous gases emerging from the various substances, to be inspired, come into the nostrils and dissolve if they are not sufficiently volatilized in the mucus that fills the mucosa. Dispersed in it, excites the nerve endings of olfactory nerve scattered mucosa. These excitations transmitted to the olfactory center of the cerebral cortex, giving us the sense of smell.
Nasopharynx: In the pharynx the lines intersect the digestive and respiratorio.Los Food passes from the pharynx to the esophagus and then the stomach, the air passes through the larynx and trachea to the lungs. To prevent food from entering the breathing passages, where swallowing is applied to the upper orifice of the larynx, nasopharynx, a kind of valve called the epiglottis (reflex).
is an irregularly shaped elongated structure that connects tráquea.Tiene pharynx with a skeleton made up of various pieces of cartilage and elastic connective tissue together fibroelastic. Its contour is perceived from the outside by what is called the "nut" or "bite of Adam" and contains the vocal cords, folds of epithelium that vibrate when air passes between them, producing sound. Trachea
: a hollow tube that originates at the base of the larynx and eventually dividing or transformed into the two main bronchi.
Its wall consists of an inner epithelial layer, an outer layer of connective tissue and a middle layer where the cartilage rings, which supports it so that the tracheal lumen is always open.
lung respiratory portion, consisting of the lung where the respiratory bronchioles, the aura and interstitial tissue.
-bronchial tree, the bronchi, starting at the trachea, entering the lung after a short drive and there are 3 secondary bronchi divide originating in the right lung and 2 on the left. From these, the bronchial tree branches unequally dichotomously. The first 9 to 12 divisions are the bronchi are the branches following bronchioles, in which distinguished themselves on the bronchioles, terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles.
These develop into the alveolar ducts, which in turn originate sacs or alveoli where gas exchange occurs.
In the intrapulmonary bronchi, the rings are replaced by irregular patches distributed throughout the circumference of the duct and its importance decreases gradually until they disappear in the bronchioles. The bronchi have cartilage and lack a frame of elastic and reticular fibers that extend to the alveolar wall.
Two bodies
spongy structure and are shaped like a pyramid with the base resting on the diaphragm. The right is larger than the left, it consists of three parts or lobes, while the other has only two. Each lung is composed of numerous lobules, which in turn contain the alveoli, which are dilated terminal bronchi. The pleura are membranes that line the lungs and fixed in the chest cavity.
The main function of the lung is the hematosis, in which both oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the blood-air barrier passively, by differences in concentration (diffusion) between the two phases. It also participates in regulating body temperature.
Alveoli: are tiny cavities that are forming the lungs, the walls of smaller vessels and air sacs. Outside the alveoli are networks of capillaries. Its walls are very thin and are made only by a layer of flat epithelial cells, so that the molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide easily pass through them.
The lungs contain about 300 million alveoli, which deployed occupy an area of \u200b\u200b70 square meters, about 40 times the size of the skin.

Dynamics of breathing
In humans, the breathing process consists of three phases: inspiration, transport through the bloodstream and exhalation.
Respiratory movements of inspiration and exhalation are mechanical processes that allow the movement of outside air inside the body (inhalation) and vice versa (exhalation). Breathing serves two successive phases, conducted by the muscular action of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, all controlled by the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. In inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and the intercostal muscles are elevated and widened ribs. Rib cage volume gains outside air enters to fill this space.
During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and the ribs down and move inland. The rib cage decreases lung capacity and leak air outward.
The air enters through the nostrils, which open into the nasal cavity. Go ahead through the pharynx, larynx (containing the vocal cords), trachea. The trachea divides into two bronchi, cartilage, each directed to each lung. Inside it, each bronchus subdivides into bronchioles, which in turn become ducts divide into smaller and smaller diameter, until the end cavities and air sacs called alveoli. On the walls of smaller vessels and air sacs are tiny cavities called alveoli, outside of which have dense networks of capillaries. In the lungs, oxygen passes from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillaries and carbon dioxide moves in the opposite direction of the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli. This is simply the physical phenomenon of diffusion (each gas is a more concentrated region to another of lower concentration). In the capillaries
of all body tissues, which occurs internal breathing, oxygen diffusion, is of the same cells in both the carbon dioxide passes in the same shape of the cells into the capillaries. Continuous metabolism of glucose and other substances in the cell intimacy leads to the steady production of carbon dioxide and oxygen utilization, and consequently, the oxygen concentration is always low and the carbon dioxide is always higher in cells respect to the capillaries. Throughout the system passes oxygen from the lungs to the blood and thence to the tissues, most point to lower concentration, until it is finally used by the cells; Carbon dioxide passes from the cells where it occurs, blood, lungs and abroad, always to areas of lower concentration (pressure difference).
The Pleura is a double-walled membrane surrounding the lungs.
amount of air breathed
breathe 17 times per minute. The number of breaths depends on the exercise, age etc.. lung capacity of a person is five liters. The amount of air that may be extended in a forced inspiration is called vital capacity, typically 3.5 liters
At rest, the air that enters and exits at each breath of an adult male has a volume of 500 ml. Once the air has been expelled, may be compelled to leave another half liter of air through forced expulsion and approximately another liter still can not get out or with effort. It is clear that during normal breathing in the lungs is a reserve of 2.5 liters that are mixed with 500 ml penetrating inspiration. After the inspiration of 500 ml, it is possible, breathing deeply, to penetrate more than three liters, and during exercise can increase the inspired air, 500 ml to 5,000 ml in each respiratory cycle.
Regulation of respiration
Because needs oxygen around the body are different at rest or in activity, the frequency and depth of the movements should be rotated to adjust automatically to changing conditions. The respiratory center is located in the medulla and pons, which coordinates movement of muscles harmonics (separated) to carry out the process of respiration.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Santo is presented in the Wax Museum

In almost 27 years after the death of Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, El Santo, was held the night of February 3 at the Wax Museum of Mexico City the unveiling of the figure.

With the presence of family, friends, personalities and media show, was released the figure of the Silver Masked. The new part of the enclosure is wearing tights, silver mask and a red coat embroidered with silver diamonds replica of that used by the wrestler in the film Santo vs. Vampire Women (1962) and presented as it looked about at 50 years of age.

The presentation of this figure to the twenty-seventh anniversary of the death of this legend and idol for popular culture icon in Mexico.

Wax Museum of Mexico City is located on the streets of London no. 6 Colonia Juárez near the Ripley Museum. Is open from 11:00 to 19:00 am and is open every day of the year.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The digestive system has a role in transforming complex substances such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and other energy. in living beings as the digestive system may vary but always to the above vertebrate anteriormente.Los have a developed digestive system, consists of the following organs:

Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus

Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine


oral cavity or mouth
Inside are teeth whose function is to cut and grind food (mechanical digestion)

found in the mouth the tongue (which has a large number of taste buds) whose function is to mix food and facilitate their passage into the esophagus. flow in the oral cavity salivary glands.

secrete saliva, whose functions are to serve as lubricantedestruir the bacteria ingested with alimentoscomenzar chemical digestion by enzymes.

Once the processes taking place in the oral cavity, there is the swallowing of food eaten.

Pharynx The pharynx is a muscular tube that connects the device to the respiratory tract.
To remain closed airway during swallowing in the pharynx forms a fold, called epiglottis obstructing the glottis. This will prevent food from entering the respiratory system.


The bolus is released from the tongue to the edge of the gorge and then through the pharyngeal muscles, the esophagus, through which, through a series of peristaltic movements, results in the stomach.


It is an expansion of the digestive tract, where food is stored for a time to pass into the intestine in an advanced state of digestion.

Consisting of a cardiac region, which borders the esophagus through a so-called cardiac sphincter, a middle region, called the body and pyloric region that communicates with the intestine through the pyloric sphincter.
The stomach is muscular, so thanks to her contractions, the mechanical action is completed. In addition it is made of chemical digestion, by the action of gastric juice secreted by glands in the walls. In general, after remaining in the stomach long enough, food form a slurry called chyme, which gradually pass into the intestine

Small intestine: Consisting of three parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum

two distinct functions are performed: the chemical digestion of food andthe total absorption of these


flow in this stretch: the liver, which secretes

the bilisel pancreas secretes pancreatic juice. Also on the walls of the intestinal mucosa as lasGlándulas there are other glands that secrete mucus of Brunner's glands and Lieberkühn, intestinal.El juice secreted by the action of these juices is to ensure that: carbohydrates are processed of monosaccharides, fats are broken into fatty acids and glycerin, and that the proteins are broken down into amino acids.

After the digestion, chyme has turned into a milky liquid called chyle formed by water, monosaccharides, amino acids, glycerol, nitrogen bases and undigested products.

digestion has been completed and their products must cross the intestinal wall (absorption) to enter the bloodstream and be transported to all body cells. The absorption takes place molecule by molecule through the intestinal wall.


is separated from the small intestine by the ileocecal valve. Its mucosa presents a transverse folds, which give a characteristic appearance. The glands secrete mucus lining the mucosa.

Along the intestine absorbs a large amount of water, so that as they approach the final leg carried by peristalsis, are thickened. These products are expelled outside the defecación.Entre process called egestion or waste products are the plant cell walls, at whose expense they live a number of saprophytic bacteria symbionts (intestinal flora), which produce fermentation with evolution gas. They also produce some useful substances to the body, such as vitamin K.

In the large intestine also develops the absorption of water in the liquid material into a mass more consistent, and mucous glands secrete mucus that lubricates the fecal mass that must pass from the intestine to recto.La progression of this dough is made by peristalsis spaced at long intervals.

Defecation is a reflex, but you can control (somewhat) by the will. Faeces at the time of his removal, are formed in 65% water and other bacteria in large numbers (Mostly dead before disposal), and derivatives division, fermentation and putrefaction, products of intestinal secretion, bile pigments and minerals.


addition to the salivary glands, there are two glands that contribute to digestion:

The pancreas and liver

The pancreas is a gland mixed, because it secretes hormones (endocrine component), and pancreatic juice (exocrine component).

pancreatic juice reaches the intestine through the conduit of Wirsung, which flows along the common bile duct in the ampulla of Vater.

's mission is fundamentally liver metabolism, but helps digestion by bile. It is stored in the gallbladder. Plays an important role in digestion of fats, as it helps to divide the fatty substances in smaller particles, thereby facilitating attack lipase enzymes to increase the area of \u200b\u200bfat droplets