22/12/2005 - How will celebrate its 100 years? -
Ah, I do not know if I will live, and it pleases me no celebrations. What interests me and gives me pleasure is what I do every day!
- What do you do? -
Work for scholarships for African girls to study and grow themselves and their countries. And I'm still researching, I still think ...
- No retire .-
Never! Retirement is destroying brains! Many people retire, and leave ... And it kills your brain. And sick.
- And how's your brain?
- As my 20 years! I do not notice a difference in illusions or capacity. Morning flight to a medical conference ...
- But there will be a genetic limit ...-
No. My brain will soon have a century ... but do not know senility. My body wrinkle, is inevitable, but not the brain!
- How do you do? -
We enjoy high neuronal plasticity, although neurons die, the remaining are rearranged to maintain the same functions, but this should encourage them!
- Help me do
.- Keep your brain excited, active, make it work, and never degenerate.
- And I will live longer? -
years will live better lives, that's interesting. The key is to keep trivia, pursuits, have passions ...
"Yours was the scientific research
...- Yes, and still is.
- discovered how to grow and renew the cells of the nervous system ...
- Yes, in 1942: I called nerve growth factor (NGF, nerve growth factor), and for nearly half a century was in question, until it recognized its validity and in 1986 I was given the Nobel prize for it!
- How was that an Italian girl of the twenties became a neuroscientist? -
Since childhood I had the commitment to study. My father wanted to marry well, it was a good wife, good mother ... And I refused. I stood and confessed he wanted to study ...
- What a disappointment to Dad, right? -
Yes But I did not have a happy childhood: I was ugly duckling, silly, little thing ... My older brothers were very bright, and I felt so inferior ...- I see that it became a stimulus ...- I also stimulated the example of the physician Albert Schweitzer, who was in Africa to alleviate the leprosy. I wanted to help the suffering, that was my dream ...!
- and he has done ... with his science .-
And today, helping girls in Africa to study. Fight against the disease, yes, but better if just the oppression of women in Islamic countries ...!
- Religion slows cognitive development "? (Knowledge) -
If religion marginalizes women compared with men, the departure of cognitive development.
- Are there differences between the brains of men and women? -
only related brain function with emotions, linked to the endocrine system. But in terms of cognitive functions, there is no difference.
- Why there is still little scientific? -
is not so! Many scientific findings were attributed to men in truth his sisters, wives and daughters!
- Really? -
intelligence did not admit women, and the left in the shade. Today, happily, there are more women than men in scientific research: the heirs of Hypatia!
- The fourth-century Alexandrian knew ...-
no longer end up murdered in the street misogynist Christian monks, like her. Since then, the world has improved somewhat ...
- No one has tried to kill you ...-
During Fascism, Mussolini wanted to imitate Hitler's persecution of Jews ..., and I had to hide for a while. But do not stop investigating, I started my lab in my bedroom ... discovered and apoptosis, the programmed cell death !
- Why is there such a high percentage of Jews among scientists and intellectuals? -
exclusion of the Jews promoted the work of intellect can prohibírtelo all, but do not you think! And it is true that many Jews among Nobel prize ...
- How do you explain the Nazi madness? -
Hitler and Mussolini knew
speak to the masses, which always dominates the neocortical brain emotional, intellectual. Manage emotions, not reason!
- "Is it now? -
Why do you think that many U.S. schools teach creationism instead of evolution?
- Ideology is emotion, it is nonsense? -
The reason is the daughter of imperfection. In invertebrates everything is scheduled, are perfect. We no! And, being imperfect, we turned to the right, ethical values, discern between good and evil is the highest degree of Darwinian evolution!
- Never married, have no children? -
No. I went into the jungle of the nervous system and was so fascinated by its beauty that I decided to devote all my time, my life!
- got one day cure Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia ...?-
Cure ... What we will accomplish will be to curb, delay, minimize all these diseases
- What is your dream today? -
That a day we make full use of the cognitive ability of our brains.
- When did you feel ugly duckling? -
I'm still aware of my limitations!
- What has been the best of your life? -
Helping others.
- What would today if I had 20 years? -
But if I'm doing it!
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