Friday, November 19, 2010

Smoke Curing Meat Is Cured Meat Cooked Or Raw?

There are two types of bacterial toxins:
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), an integral part of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, heat-resistant, pyrogenic, endotoxin toxicity are general (nonspecific), released into circulation with bacterial lysis.
proteins, soluble, thermolabile bacterial cells released by gram positive and negative during the exponential phase growth, also known as exotoxins. Some of them are considered the most poisonous substances known. The superantigens are exotoxins
III secretion system (T3SS) of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens has 3 different types of proteins are used by microorganisms to manipulate cellular processes and promote bacterial virulence by releasing virulence factors in the cytosol of a host cell.
plasmids contain the genes needed to synthesize toxins and antibiotic resistance (R plasmids).
Pathogenicity Islands are segments of DNA that have a range of sizes between 10 and 500 kbp, which have been integrated into the bacterial chromosome by site-specific recombination adjacent to tRNA genes. These elements may contain virulence genes involved in adherence, toxin production, cell invasion, intracellular survival, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation.
is important to emphasize that a pathogenic bacterium must evade the host immune system.


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