Monday, September 28, 2009

How To Handle Mandingo


The Directorate of Traffic and Transportation of the Municipality of Puerto Deseado informs the community interventions and procedures done by personnel of this Division in the street from the 25th to 27th September 2009. -

  • 25/09/2009.- Being Day at 11:20 pm, when the infringement is styled the driver of a car Chevrolet Aveo, whose driver was parked at prohibited place in front of City Hall.
  • 26/09/2009.- Day Being the 2:55 pm. Minutes of Violation is performed the driver of a Fiat road, Siena model, it was parked the wrong way. Day
  • 09/26/2009 6:10 is controlled to be the driver of a vehicle brand Fiat Palio model, whose driver was to make abrupt maneuvers above, to request documentation to it, it was not carrying proof of payment of tax Automotive, the same test was performed with alcohol, yielding a positive result, he made the driver for Infringement Act and the vehicle is detained preventively in the Municipal Corralón offered to the Municipal Court of Misdemeanors. Day
  • 27/09/1909 at 03:15 pm Act makes it an infringement to the driver of a vehicle V. W GOL model who was not carrying current proof of insurance.
  • 27/09/2009.- Day Being the 6:19 pm. Following checks, a car stops to mark V. W, Gol model whose driver to ask the regulatory documents, this was not carrying proof of compulsory insurance, not wearing the safety belts of posts, had the tinted windows. Alcohol testing is performed, gives the same positive result, is held the shot in question available to the Municipal Court of Misdemeanors. Day
  • 27/09/2009 19:00 being the Infringement Act is made to the driver rolled Ford, Fiesta model, whose driver had no driver's license Enabling, not wearing safety belts and had tinted windows , delivery vehicle is a person most responsible for enabling licensed drivers.
Mr Conductor:
R emember that the circulation around roundabouts is uninterrupted, with no arrests.
Signed. R. Franklin Rivero


Friday, September 25, 2009

What Dmv Is Not So Busy In Los Angeles Area

2 º Beer Festival in Guadalajara

Here comes the second beer festival in Guadalajara that this time be held in the metropolitan park located in Zapopan. This year the festival but want to match the experience of Biergarten Oktoberfest feature, so it will be in a natural environment, with children's games and again involving independent beer brands nationally and internationally.

The date is Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October in the majestic Metropolitan Park, admission $ 60, children free.

Link: 2 º Beer Festival in Guadalajara

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Driver Playstation 2 Eyetoy

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the AFL

To commemorate the season 50 of which were the AFL (American Football League) and that the merger with the NFL to become in American division, the NFL has decided to pay tribute to the "legacy games" where they will play with the original uniform which played in 1960. In that year the new league competition of the traditional NFL, had 8 teams:

  • Boston Patriots (Patriots) Buffalo Bills

  • Houston Oilers (Titans Tennesee)
  • New York Titans (Jets)
  • Denver Broncos Houston Texans (Kansas City)
  • Oakland Raiders Los Angeles Chargers (San Diego Chargers)
few years later would come 2 expansion teams, the Miami Dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals, by 1970 the AFL and NFL merged in a new league with 26 teams.

The legacy games will be played with the original uniforms, including the referees and will be scheduled as follows: Monday 9 Aug

, Buffalo - Titans (game hall of fame)
Monday 14 Sep, Bills - Patriots
Monday 14 Sep, Chargers - Raiders
Sunday 27 Sep, Titans - Jets
Sunday October 11, Jeans - Chief
Sunday October 11, Patriots - Broncos
Sunday October 18, Titans - Patriots
Monday 19 Oct, Broncos - Chargers
Sunday October 25, Chargers - Chiefs
Sunday October 25, Jets - Raiders
Sunday November 1, Dolphins - Jets
Sunday November 15, Bills - Titans
Sunday November 15, Chiefs - Raiders
Thursday November 26, Raiders - Cowboys
Sunday November 29, Dolphins - Bills
Sunday December 6, Patriots - Dolphins

To learn more about the AFL:
  • Remember the AFL AFL in Wikipedia

Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Train Groping Films


TRANSIT PART No. 40 / 09

The Directorate of Traffic and Transportation of the Municipality of Puerto Deseado informs the community interventions and procedures performed by staff from this in public since 18 to 21 September 2009. -
  • 18/09/2009.- Day at 12:30 pm, in overturning occurs near the local cemetery, where several months are doing construction work on new access to the city by a vehicle make Peugeot Model 306, which would be led by a minor, was transferred after the incident to her local hospital because of shock and injuries. Performances are styled the current owner of the road by giving management, file identification code expired, circular in breach of transfer rules of the road, n domain have front plate and tinted windows pose the same day .-
  • 18/09 / 2009 .- As 16:00 hs. it proceeds to start operating in conjunction with Civil Defence, Police and Fire for Meeting of the Chamber of Deputies of the Province .-
  • English Cinema Theatre
  • 18/09/2009.- Day Being at 19:20 pm . Approx. Collision occurs at the intersection of Alte. Brown and July 15 from a smaller vehicle, Renault, 12 TL model and a Mercedes Benz truck LS 1634, the collision occurred in the back of lower vehicle rolled, the driver being taken proactively to Local Hospital. Performances are styled the truck driver by finding irregularities with regard to documentation .-
  • 19/09/2009.- Day As 20:00 hs., Is proceeds to the organization of parking at Gimnasio Miguel Angel Juanola because of the Centennial Anniversary Dinner Train Day .-
  • Being 20/09/2009.- 02:35 pm. on October 12th Street between July 15 and May 25 stops V. W Gol who performed at intersections improper overtaking, and the time to interview with a driver that would be observed under the intake of alcohol. Blood alcohol test is performed yielding the same positive outcome and not presenting proof of insurance in force. Not retained the same for lack of delivering the vehicle to an authorized person -
  • 20/09/2009.- Day As the 3:03 pm. On Colon street and Pueyrredón proceed to carve Act Violation driver of the vehicle Brand Fiat Duna model, which is noticed when moving abnormal circulation, stops his driver to control documentation and a meeting with the perceived breath ethyl. It proceeds to perform alcohol test, which was denied. Performances are styled to the following offenses: Absence of one of the nameplates, identification code and Expired Motor Vehicle Ownership Transfer failure, failure of one of their bumpers, and moved the vehicle to being the same Municipal Corralón available Municipal Court Offenses .-
  • 20/09/2009.- Being the Day 5:39 pm, at intersection Alte. Piedrabuena is styled Tsar and actions the driver of a vehicle brand WV Polo model remis service affected by crossing a red light and not carrying identification code
  • automotive .- As the 6:15 20/09/2009.- Day hs, stops to Pick Up Model Ford F-100 whose driver had crossed the red traffic light in San Martin and Alte Brown and continues its movement zigzagging streets October 12 to July 15 making his detention there. He announced that going to have a blood alcohol test which is denied, leading police to the local hospital staff in order to carry himself a physician of that institution. Resulting in positive. Performances are styled to cross the red light, refusing to perform alcohol test and insulted the staff from this day .-
  • 20/09/09.- being 13:40 pm, a collision on Rivadavia Street between July 15 and Piedra, including Renault vehicle model 12 and model 19; carving performances by both drivers and misses cicurlación traffic maneuvers
  • Day .-
  • 20/09/09.- being 17:00 pm, continuing with Railroad centenary celebrations of the courts and regulation is done to traffic on Avenida Lotufo Mayor Marcelo time extending to 22 .-

While doing his driving vehicle remember to retain full control of it, avoid using cellular transport regulatory documentation.
Avoid unnecessary penalties.

Signed. R. Franklin
Rivero Director

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Calories In Bowl Of Oatmeal With Strawberrys



Monday, September 7, 2009

How To Surgically Remove A Tumor

lifesaving Traffic and Transportation Recommendations

REMEMBER WHEN DRIVING CARRY ASI regulatory documents to avoid sanctions.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Does Mayo Packets Have An Expiration Date

Lunches marshes, similar but different a cake recipe for drowned

Only tapatíos know the difference between a cake smothered and plated lunch. At first glance, are similar, almost identical but there are several differences. The cake is made with Birot stifled salty and lunch bathed or Birot fleima roll, the sauce that bathes the cake smothered a watery tomato sauce and spices, the plated lunch is a mixture of beef broth, tomato cream, chipotle chile and mustard cake is filled with traditional carnitas (solid, tongue, or crop) and lunch is stuffed leg, loin or chicken and taste between the two is really different. Lastly

are much more traditional and stale cakes smothered the marshland and lunches while the former are or may be very spicy (accompanied by a beer is very good for hangovers) las puedes encontrar en cualquier lugar (bueno al menos en Guadalajara) las segundas son mas consideradas como un fast food invención de los lonches Gemma .

Lonches Gemma o lonches bañados
Para unos 4 lonches

2 jitomates saladet o huaje
1 lata de caldo de carne Campbell’s (si cocen su propia pierna o lomo, pueden usar el caldo que sale de esa cocción)
1 cda. de mostaza
2 cdas. de crema (se puede usar light)
1 chile chipotle adobado

Jamón al gusto
Panela al gusto
(otro relleno que les guste: pierna, lomo, pollo, bacon, sausage, etc) 4 Birot
crusty rolls with mayonnaise to taste mustard to taste

First we put the sauce to cook the tomatoes in water. Once cooked take them out of there, drain them and grind together with the other ingredients. Heat in a pan, test for seasoning and correct if it needed salt or pepper. The sauce should be a bit thick, but if it is too add some water to cook the tomatoes. We let cook until it boils and put out the fire. Waking

Birot half, we took a little crumb and put a little mayonnaise and mustard on bread. Fill with ham and brown sugar. Put in a bowl and bathed in the sauce.