Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Rita Levi-Montalcini, Nobel Prize in Medicine. A brain centenary

"When you can not think, I want to help me die with dignity" 19/04/2009

Miguel Mora, El Pais.
April 22 is 100 years old Rita Levi-Montalcini. The Italian scientist, Nobel Prize, and feminist single sentence - "I am my own husband," said Senator for life long, and produces even more fascinating when you know closely. Just hear and see with difficulty, but not for: research, lectures, helping the less fortunate, and talk and remember with amazing clarity. Sobrada
character, shows her coquetry in the beautiful jewelry that looks, a bracelet she made herself Paola for her twin, the engagement ring of her mother, a splendid brooch designed by her also. From its vivid green eyes, Levi-Montalcini searches to a small group of reporters at the headquarters of the Roman foundation, where every evening driving education programs for African women.
In the morning visit the European Brain Research Institute, the institute established in Rome, and supervises experiments "a great group of young scientists, all women," who are learning about the protein molecule called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF ), which she discovered in 1951 and plays an essential role in cell division, and the brain, his specialty. "They are all female, yes, and it shows that talent has no gender. Women and men have equal mental capacity," he says.
With it, for 40 years, his right hand, Giuseppina Tripodi, who recently published a memoir, The hourglass of life, a synthesis of his fascinating story: his birth in Turin into a family of Sephardic origin The early decision to study and not to marry to avoid repeating the pattern of his mother, under the "rule Victorian" father's fascism and Mussolini's racial laws forced him to flee to Belgium and leave school, their years of work as a zoologist in Missouri (United States), the prize in Stockholm - "the matter that made me happy but famous - his reading and his friends (Kafka, Calvino, Primo Levi's intimate), until the present.
still lives thoroughly, eat only once a day and sleeps three hours. His attitude remains vital scientific and leftists. Pure question of reasoning, he explains, because the guilt of the great misfortunes of mankind has the right brain. "It is the instinctive, which served to bring down the tree Australopithecus and save your life. The little we have developed and the area to which dictators appeal for the masses to follow them. All tragedies always rely on that distrustful of different hemisphere. "
Lay and rigorous, will wholeheartedly support the biological and euthanasia. And do not fear death. "It is natural, one day but I did not kill. Just end up with my body." For its centenary, the teacher does not want gifts, parties or honors. That day will give a lecture on the brain.

How is life a hundred years? Great
. I only hear with a hearing aid and I see little, but the brain still works. Better than ever. Accumulate experience and learn to discard what does not.
Do you regret not having children? No.
was a teenager when I decided that I would never marry. Never have responded to a man like my mother was due to my father.
Remember when she decided to study? What did your father?
was the Victorian period. My father was a person of great intellectual and moral value, but a Victorian. Since she was against it, because I saw my father dominate everything, and I decided that I wanted to be in the background as my mother, whom he adored. She did not send. I told my father did not want to be neither mother nor wife, who wanted to be scientific and devote myself to the other, using the few skills I had to help those in need. I wanted to be a doctor and help the suffering. He said: "I do not approve but I can not stop you. "
What moments of his life have been more exciting?
The discovery I made, which is more important today than then. When each experiment confirmed my hypothesis, which was completely against the tenets of that time I lived thrills. Perhaps the most exciting. For the rest, the recognition of Stockholm I was so pleased, of course, but less exciting.
His thesis showed that the two hemispheres of the brain, one is less developed than another.
Yes, the limbic brain, the right hemisphere has had no functional or somatic development. And, unfortunately, still today dominates the other. Everything that happens in the great tragedies is due to the fact that this archaic brain dominates the real reason. So we must be alert. Today may be the end of humanity. In all the great tragedies is camouflaged intelligence and reasoning with low-level instinct. Totalitarian regimes of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin convinced the people with that reasoning, that is pure instinct and emerges at the origin of vertebrate life, but that has nothing to do with reasoning. The danger is that what saved the tree when it fell Australopithecus continue to predominate.
In a hundred years you have known these totalitarianism. How can you prevent a recurrence?
We must begin in childhood education. Human behavior is not genetic but epigenetic, the child of two or three years assumes the environment in which they live and also the hatred of the different and all these terrible things that have happened and still passing.
What have you learned from your parents? What values \u200b\u200bdo you broadcast?
thing was behaving in a reasonable way, know what it's worth really. Have a thorough and good behavior, but without the idea of \u200b\u200breward or punishment. There was no idea of \u200b\u200bheaven and hell. We were religious, but the attitude to life was not about religion. There was a sense of duty, but without compensation post mortem. We had to behave well, that's an obligation. Then there was talk of genetics, but it was that spirit. No reward or fear.
Its origin is Sephardic. Did they speak English at home?
No, never had much to do with that language. We knew that we came from the Sephardic and Ashkenazi not on, but nobody talked about it, we did not care much be one or the other. Spinoza made me happy, was a great cultural reference, and everything we knew came from the great Jewish thinkers, but there was a sense of pride, to be better, never think so.
it enough to understand a century Italy?
is a wonderful country, the climate, the history of the Renaissance, and their enormous contributions, history and discoveries formidable capacity. I always felt Jewish and Italian, both at 100%. He saw no difficulty in that.
How do you see in Italy today?
has a very strong human capital, innovative capacity and coexistence, the pride of the past and not feel too affected by the negative things, like the mafia. I always felt it was a country that was fortunate to join and be born. Being Italian was part of us, nobody asked us if we were Italian or not. It was also fortunate to be Jewish. I never knew Bible, I had a religious upbringing, and I reflected on the artistic and moral capital Italian and Jewish. I did not belong to a small persecuted minority, knew that it happened, but I was not part of it. Since a child I felt like everyone else. When I asked "what is your religion?", He answered: "I, free-thinking", and nobody knew what it was. And thy Father which is: engineer.
How did fascism?
I have no personal grudge
. Without the racial laws, which determined that Jews were an inferior race, not have had to place me in my room to work, in Turin and then Asti. But I never felt inferior.
So you do not feel afraid?
Fear not, contempt and hatred itself, purely by Mussolini. My Professor Giuseppe Levi followed him step by step and was happy with what he boldly dared to do and say. I never felt the prosecution because my college friends considered me as Catholics. I had no sense of danger. When the persecution began, things were so filthy that I did not say that the hint. I was already licensed in 1936, studied with Renato Dulbecco, Catholic, and Salvatore Luria, Jewish, and had no sense of being different.
Do you think there is a danger that fascism again?
Yes, at critical times more prevalent instinctive component of the brain that is camouflaged to reason and encourages young people to reason as if they were part of a superior race.
you followed the controversy over the pope, condoms and AIDS?
not share what he said.
What do you think of the power of the Church? Is it too much?
Yes I was the first woman admitted to the Pontifical Academy and had a good relationship with Paul VI and Wojtyla, Ratzinger also, though less deep that Paul VI, who esteem. I had not considered that instead with Pope Well, Roncalli (John XXIII), which for me was not good, because it was a close friend of Mussolini and when they started anti-fascist laws said he had done much good for Italy.
Has his thinking changed much over life?
Little, little. I always thought that the woman was destroyed because the man his power imposed by physical force and not the mental. And with physical force can be trunk, but not a genius. I think yet.
Would you ever imported the glory?
For me, medicine was the way to help those not fortunate to live in a highly educated family like mine. This straight line has not changed. Scientific activity and social are the same thing. Aid to African women and medicine are the same.
Your brain is still a mystery?
No. It is now much less mysterious. The development of science is formidable, we know how it works from the scientific and technological side. Their study is no longer a privilege of the experts in anatomy, physiology or behavior. Anatomists have not done much, removing some. Now there are no barriers. Physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, biochemists and molecular, all bring new things. And that opens up possibilities for new discoveries every day. I myself, for 100 years, still making important discoveries that I think about factor operation discovered more than 50 years.
Will birthday party?
No, I want to be forgotten, that's my hope. No fault or merit in turning 100 years. I can say that the eyes and ears have fallen, but the brain fails. I have a mental capacity may exceed the age of 20. Has not slowed the ability to think and live ...
Tell us the secret.
The only way is to keep thinking, ignore yourself and be indifferent to death, because death strikes us not to us but to our body, and one leaves messages persist. When I die, die my tiny single body.
Are you ready?
not necessary. Dying is logical. How
want to live?
time to work the brain. When chemical factors lose the ability to think, I'll leave that in my living will I be helped to leave my life with dignity. It may happen tomorrow or after tomorrow. That's not important. The important thing is to live with serenity, and always think with the left hemisphere, not to the right. Because that leads to the Holocaust, the tragedy and misery. And it can lead to the extinction of the human species.

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22/12/2005 - How will celebrate its 100 years? -

Ah, I do not know if I will live, and it pleases me no celebrations. What interests me and gives me pleasure is what I do every day!

- What do you do? -

Work for scholarships for African girls to study and grow themselves and their countries. And I'm still researching, I still think ...

- No retire .-

Never! Retirement is destroying brains! Many people retire, and leave ... And it kills your brain. And sick.

- And how's your brain?

- As my 20 years! I do not notice a difference in illusions or capacity. Morning flight to a medical conference ...
- But there will be a genetic limit ...-
No. My brain will soon have a century ... but do not know senility. My body wrinkle, is inevitable, but not the brain!

- How do you do? -

We enjoy high neuronal plasticity, although neurons die, the remaining are rearranged to maintain the same functions, but this should encourage them!

- Help me do

.- Keep your brain excited, active, make it work, and never degenerate.

- And I will live longer? -

years will live better lives, that's interesting. The key is to keep trivia, pursuits, have passions ...

"Yours was the scientific research

...- Yes, and still is.

- discovered how to grow and renew the cells of the nervous system ...

- Yes, in 1942: I called nerve growth factor (NGF, nerve growth factor), and for nearly half a century was in question, until it recognized its validity and in 1986 I was given the Nobel prize for it!

- How was that an Italian girl of the twenties became a neuroscientist? -

Since childhood I had the commitment to study. My father wanted to marry well, it was a good wife, good mother ... And I refused. I stood and confessed he wanted to study ...

- What a disappointment to Dad, right? -

Yes But I did not have a happy childhood: I was ugly duckling, silly, little thing ... My older brothers were very bright, and I felt so inferior ...- I see that it became a stimulus ...- I also stimulated the example of the physician Albert Schweitzer, who was in Africa to alleviate the leprosy. I wanted to help the suffering, that was my dream ...!

- and he has done ... with his science .-

And today, helping girls in Africa to study. Fight against the disease, yes, but better if just the oppression of women in Islamic countries ...!

- Religion slows cognitive development "? (Knowledge) -

If religion marginalizes women compared with men, the departure of cognitive development.

- Are there differences between the brains of men and women? -

only related brain function with emotions, linked to the endocrine system. But in terms of cognitive functions, there is no difference.

- Why there is still little scientific? -

is not so! Many scientific findings were attributed to men in truth his sisters, wives and daughters!

- Really? -

intelligence did not admit women, and the left in the shade. Today, happily, there are more women than men in scientific research: the heirs of Hypatia!

- The fourth-century Alexandrian knew ...-

no longer end up murdered in the street misogynist Christian monks, like her. Since then, the world has improved somewhat ...

- No one has tried to kill you ...-

During Fascism, Mussolini wanted to imitate Hitler's persecution of Jews ..., and I had to hide for a while. But do not stop investigating, I started my lab in my bedroom ... discovered and apoptosis, the programmed cell death !

- Why is there such a high percentage of Jews among scientists and intellectuals? -

exclusion of the Jews promoted the work of intellect can prohibírtelo all, but do not you think! And it is true that many Jews among Nobel prize ...

- How do you explain the Nazi madness? -

Hitler and Mussolini knew
speak to the masses, which always dominates the neocortical brain emotional, intellectual. Manage emotions, not reason!

- "Is it now? -

Why do you think that many U.S. schools teach creationism instead of evolution?

- Ideology is emotion, it is nonsense? -

The reason is the daughter of imperfection. In invertebrates everything is scheduled, are perfect. We no! And, being imperfect, we turned to the right, ethical values, discern between good and evil is the highest degree of Darwinian evolution!

- Never married, have no children? -

No. I went into the jungle of the nervous system and was so fascinated by its beauty that I decided to devote all my time, my life!

- got one day cure Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia ...?-

Cure ... What we will accomplish will be to curb, delay, minimize all these diseases

- What is your dream today? -

That a day we make full use of the cognitive ability of our brains.

- When did you feel ugly duckling? -

I'm still aware of my limitations!

- What has been the best of your life? -

Helping others.

- What would today if I had 20 years? -

But if I'm doing it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Complete the following table.

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1) Find the meaning of the words in BOLD previous text (Division of Protozoa) and write in your notebook.

2) Based on information from the previous text (division of Protozoa) creates a conceptual map

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Some protozoa are immobile. However most if they are mobile. Protozoa are mobilized using organoid as pseudopodia, flagella, cilia and undulating membranes, and depending on the presence of these organelles protozoa can be divided into: Class Rhizopoda

( rhizopods or Sarcodina )
are characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia sliders, which are used in feeding and locomotion. The pseudopodia are given different names according to their shape and structure. Mechanism is still uncertain pseudopod makes slip and change shape, but is likely to be bending or sliding of certain proteins simultaneously.
Although their organelles remain relatively simple, many acquired through evolution Sarcodina complex skeletons. Sarcodina various classes differ in the nature of their skeletons and pseudopodia. The amoebae can be: Amoeba tested, which have a clamshell cover, and naked amoebae, which do not have any cover. The foraminifera, which are mostly Sarcadinos marine benthic have a chalky coat is usually multilocular. One good-sized opening, allows the projection of the cytoplasm that reaches to cover the outside of the testa from the cytoplasm extended long pseudopods emerge, thin and often anastomosis are used for prey capture and locomotion.
The Heliozoarios are Sarcodina, spherical with radial symmetry, planktonic and benthic are restricted mostly to life in freshwater. These agencies use long pseudopods, radial-like needles (exopod), to capture the exopod food from deep or bone and spread through an ectoplasmic cortex external is usually vacuolated, this bark often has a siliceous skeleton composed of plates, tubes and needles. Sacodinos
Radiolarians are marine, planktonic, with specific bodies and radial pseudopodia. A wall separates organic capsular central cortex of extracapsular cytoplasm. The complex boast radiolarian skeletons of silica dioxide or strontium sulfate, which are located within the cytoplasm are organized as extracapsular and trellis transparent spheres with radial spines or both.
Both foraminifera and radiolaria are major contributors in the formation of deep marine sediments.
In this group there are individuals free-living parasites. Among the best known are:
· Amoeba proteus. Free-living species. Entamoeba histolytica
· . Parasite that causes amoebic dysentery.
· Entamoeba gingivalis. lives in the mouth of mammals, is diner.
· Nummulites. Fossil foraminifera. Class Mastigophora

( Mastigophora or Flagellates )
are all protozoa that possess flagella in their adult phase. They were divided for convenience in phytoflagellates and zooflagelados. Phytoflagellates typically have 1 or 2 chloroplasts and flagella, are holofílicos there are many common forms as Euglena, Chamydomonas, Volvox and Paranema, are all microscopic algae, most are free living. The Zooflagelados have 1 or more flagella lack chloroplasts and are holozoicos and saprozoícos, some are free living but most are commensals, symbionts or parasites of other animals.
Its locomotion is by means of flagella (when multiple) can be mixed and one is the one who leads the movement and the others follow. The scourge has joint ultrastructure of 2 central microtubules form a nucleus surrounded by 9 pairs more. Is covered by a sheath which is continuous with the cell membrane, the flagellum was born in a body basal called Blefaroblasto, a centriole is involved in mitosis in some cases. The scourge running waves in one or two planes to push or pull. The waves move from base to tip and push the body in the opposite direction or go to the tip to the base and pull the body.
Nutrition: holofíticos phytoflagellates are primarily, although some saprozoicos and holozoicos or have any combination of these forms. The flagellate is green when the chlorophyll is masked by another pigment as in the fotomónas and Euglena. If dominated by xanthophylls, the color is red, orange, yellow or brown.
Some flagellates can be classified as autotrophs heterotrophic or strict, since there are intermediate conditions. The Euglena gracilis is strictly photoautotrophs it can synthesize organic compounds from inorganic substances. Some are facultative saprophytic.
The phytoflagellates stored food reserves in an oil or fat or carbohydrates in the form of typical vegetable starch.
In most flagellated, asexual reproduction is by binary fission.
can be wild, in fresh or salt water, occurring singly or in colonies. There are also parasitic groups, among them the following stand out: Trypanosoma gambiense
· and Trypanosoma rhodesiense . They are deadly parasites that cause sleeping sickness. " Trypanosoma cruzi
· . Appears in South America and produces "Chagas disease."
· Leishmania. Present in different parts of the world. Causes serious diseases such as Kala-azar or black fever.
· Gonyaulax catenella. Free-living species that form large groups, movements of individuals. These groups are called "red tide" and are food for bivalves (mussels). These protozoa produce a toxin harmless to mussels, but the man produces "mussel poisoning" that can result in death. Class Sporozoa

( sporozoan )
are obligate parasites of various animal groups. Live within the cells of their hosts (hosts) and can become pathogenic. Generally have alternating phases of sexual reproduction and other asexual multiplication. In these, there is a large number of spores from the apparently simultaneous division of a single cell (schizogony or sporulation), in reality it is several successive bipartition are hidden. The name "Sporozoa" refers to this feature of the cycle.
detailed examination of the ultrastructure and, above all, the comparison direct their genes and their proteins have demonstrated the polyphyly of the group, and the affinities of the groups that traditionally come including: apicomplexan, Haplosporida, Microsporidia and mixosporidias.
are able to form highly resistant spores. The best examples include
· Toxoplasma : Produce toxoplasmosis, the severity of this disease depends on the tissue affected. Plasmodium
Malarie · and P. falciparum: These two species cause severe malaria disease. Today is the disease that kills more people in the world.

Class Ciliophora (ciliates or Ciliophora )
unicellular forms are relatively large, with a complex internal structure, which makes think more about the anatomy of a small animal, which are, in a cell. There are three defining characteristics:
Its surface is covered with cilia regularly aligned with that move actively and quickly.
have two cores, macronucleus and micronucleus, the latter reserved for sexual reproduction, which perform sporadically.
Most phagocytosis performed by which are fed through a specialized area, sunken, called cytostome, ie cell mouth.
Most ciliates also has a or more prominent contractile vacuoles, which collect and expel water from the cell to maintain osmotic pressure and a certain role in maintaining the ion balance. These often have a star of radio ducts emerging. Other distinct components are the alveoli, small vesicles attached to the cell membrane inside that maintain cell shape, ranging from flexible and rigid contractile. Extrusomes numerous mitochondria and are also usually present.
Cilia occur in longitudinal rows covering the entire cell, although some groups cilia are observed only in a limited region of the cell body, around the cytostome. In some cases the cilia are arranged in tufts or tufts called cirri. Are used for a variety of functions among which are the movement, drag, grip, power and sensation. The movement of the cilia is coordinated with precision, and the impression given is similar to the wind causes waves in a wheat field.
cilia are usually arranged in monokinetids or dicinetias, including respectively one or two kinetosomes, each bearing a cilium. These are usually organized into rows called kinetic running from front to the back of the cell. Others polykinetids organized groups of several cilia along with their structures associated. Used for classification of different groups.
phagocytizing particles are fed, what they do almost always from the bottom of a cavity called cytostome, located almost always in a recess or depression called the vestibule, which appears specialized cilia cover. These usually include a series of membranelles to the left of the mouth and on your right paroral membrane, both of which arise from polykinetids. Some ciliates have poorly differentiated cytostome, or lack of it, engulfing in any case only a certain portion of its surface. In the group of sucker phagocytosis is performed by the ends of multiple tentacles. The waste disposal not digested in the digestive vacuoles by exocytosis takes place, often also through a specialized region, called in this case citoprocto, which literally translates as "cellular year."
These individuals have free-living in freshwater, marine or brackish water. Parasitic species also appear. The best known representatives are:
· Paramecium. Ciliated freshwater appears containing plant residues.
· Vorticella. It also appears in freshwater. It features live fixed to the substrate. Is an individual sessile. It uses cilia to capture food. Tetrahymena thermophila
· . Are represented in all kinds of aquatic habitats, but are mostly inhabitants of freshwaters and soils, with some notable but isolated group of marine forms. Many hold up well contamination and thrive in the sewers and treatment plants wastewater. They feed on organic particles and engulfing all bacteria and other microorganisms, sometimes almost as big as them.

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Choose 5 investigates interspecific relationships with an example of each type of biological association of protozoa:

or symbiosis or predator-prey

or Foresis
or commensal mutualism or parasitism

or Parasitiasis
or parasites or ectoparasites

or endoparasite Parasite
or erratic or aberrant. Parasite
or accidental.
or facultative parasites or obligate parasite

or monoxenous
or Heteroxenos
or parasitic Zoonoses

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1. Intraspecific:
· Partnerships, the individual retains his individuality
· Colonies, the body does not retain its individuality
2. Interspecific:
· Symbiosis. Association (temporary or permanent) between two organisms of different species.

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basic bibliography, find out the definitions of reproductive rates listed below and generate a concept map.

In asexual reproduction are:
1. Binary fission or bipartition. There are also rules in this type of reproduction: transverse and longitudinal.
2. Budding
3. Multiple fission.
4. Merogonia or schizogony
5. Sporogony.

In sexual reproduction are:
1. Syngamy: isogamy and anisogamia
2. Conjugation.
3. Autogamy.

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This consists of protozoa trophozoites and cysts (cysts). The phase where protozoa carried out their main activity (nutrition and growth) is in the trophozoite stage. In this phase can not withstand the effects of different chemicals, food deficits, drastic changes in temperature, pH and other environmental factors. To counter these adverse factors are cysts.
The cystic stage is the life cycle of protozoa which is resistant to different environmental conditions. The cysts are metabolically dormant, or inactive. This phase is important for dispersal organisms. An example of protozoan pathogens which dispersion is effected by means of Entamoeba histolytica cysts is , which causes amoebic dysentery.
reproductive processes, within which there are a number of variants whose knowledge is very important to characterize some of the different phyla of these microorganisms, however deserve a description covering the main types.

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Gram +, Gram -

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In microbiology are called Gram positive bacteria those bacteria that are stained dark blue or violet by Gram stain : hence the name "Gram-positive", or "gram-positive." [1] This feature is closely linked to the structure of the cell envelope therefore reflects a natural type of bacterial organization. They are one of the major groups of bacteria , and when treated as a taxon also uses the name Posibacteria. [2] The remaining are Gram-negative bacteria. The cell envelope
of Gram-positive bacteria includes cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall composed by a thick layer of peptidoglycan , surrounding the above. The cell wall binds to the cytoplasmic membrane by lipoteichoic acid molecules . Peptidoglycan layer confers strong resistance to these bacteria and is responsible to retain the dye during the Gram stain. Unlike Gram-negative , Gram-positive do not have a second outer lipid membrane to the cell wall and this wall is much thicker. [3]
species include both mobile (via flagella) as stationary shaped bacillus ( Bacillus, Clostridium , Corynebacterium , Lactobacillus, Listeria ) or coconut ( Staphylococcus, Streptococcus ) with thick cell walls or without ( Mycoplasma ). Some species are photosynthetic , but most are heterotrophic . Many of these bacteria form endospores in unfavorable conditions. [4] Actually, not all bacteria are Gram-positive group (not stained by the application of this method), but are included here because of its molecular similarity with other Gram-positive bacteria. In
microbiology is Gram-negative bacteria called these bacteria do not stain dark blue or violet by Gram stain, and do a color faint pink, hence the name "Gram-negative" or also "Gram." [1] This feature is closely linked to the structure of the cell envelope therefore reflects a natural type of bacterial organization. They are one of the major groups of bacteria they are treated as taxon is also used Negibacteria name. [2] The remaining bacteria are Gram positive .
Gram-negative bacteria have two lipid membranes between which is located a thin cell wall peptidoglycan of , while Gram-positive bacteria have only one lipid membrane and the wall is much thicker peptiglicano. Being thin wall, does not retain the dye during the Gram stain. [3]
Many species of Gram-negative bacteria cause disease. The Gram-negative cocci cause gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae ) meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis ) and respiratory symptoms (Moraxella catarrhalis ), among others. The Gram-negative bacilli include a large number of species. Some of them primarily cause respiratory disease (Haemophilus influenzae , Klebsiella pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ), urinary diseases ( Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis , Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens ) and gastrointestinal ( Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella enteritidis , Salmonella typhi ). Others are associated with nosocomial infections (Acinetobacter baumannii ).

Comparison of bacterial cell envelopes . Top: Gram-positive bacteria. 1 - cytoplasmic membrane, 2 - peptidoglycan , 3 - phospholipids, 4 - protein, 5 - lipoteichoic acid. Below: Gram-negative bacteria. 1 - cytoplasmic membrane (inner membrane), 2 - periplasmic space, 3-outer membrane, 4 - phospholipids, 5 - peptidoglycan , 6 - lipoprotein , 7 - protein, 8 - lipopolysaccharide, 9 - porins.

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antimicrobial agents acting on a number of mechanisms, very different from each other and whose targets are in different regions of the attacked cell.
Antibiotics can be classified according to several parameters:
by spectrum: spectrum
· From: against gram + bacteria and Gram-
intermediate spectrum
· From: act against a group of them, but also have the capacity action against some bacteria in the other group.
· Of narrow-spectrum: on one particular group of bacteria.

Friday, November 19, 2010

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Based on the above text and consulting 3-related news * analyze and respond according to your perspective, the following question:

What is the economic importance of bacteria today?

* You must deliver news, with the corresponding literature, along with your response.

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use in biotechnology

Many industries depend in part or entirely of bacterial action. Lots of important chemicals such as ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, butyl alcohol and acetone are produced by specific bacteria. Bacteria are also used for curing snuff, leather tanning, rubber, cotton, etc.
Bacteria have a capacity notable to degrade a variety of organic compounds as used in the treatment of wastewater, waste recycling and bioremediation. Bacteria capable of degrading hydrocarbons are often used in cleaning oil spills. For example, after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 in Alaska beaches of fertilizers used to promote the growth of these naturally occurring bacteria. These efforts were effective on beaches where the oil layer was not too thick. Bacteria are also used for the bioremediation of industrial toxic wastes. In the chemical industry, bacteria are used in the synthesis enantiomerically pure chemicals for pharmaceutical or agrochemical.
Bacteria can also be used for biological pest control to replace pesticides. This commonly involves the species Bacillus thuringiensis, a soil bacterium Gram-positive. Subspecies of this bacterium are used as insecticides for lepidopteran specific. Due to their specificity, these pesticides are considered environmentally friendly, with little or no effect on humans, animals and most beneficial insects such as pollinators.
Bacteria are essential tools in the fields of biology, molecular genetics and biochemistry because of its ability to grow rapidly and the relative ease with which they can be manipulated. Making changes in bacterial DNA and examining the resulting phenotypes, scientists can determine the function of genes, enzymes and metabolic pathways, and can then transfer this knowledge to more complex organisms. Understanding the cellular biochemistry that requires huge amounts of data related to enzyme kinetics and the expression of genes, will generate mathematical models of entire organisms. This is achievable in some well-studied bacteria. For example, currently being developed and probado el modelo del metabolismo de Escherichia coli. Esta comprensión del metabolismo y la genética bacteriana permite a la biotecnología la modificación de las bacterias para que produzcan diversas proteínas terapéuticas, tales como insulina, factores de crecimiento y anticuerpos.

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Ilustra todos los factores de virulencia bacterianos descritos en el tema.

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Importancia biológica
Las cianobacterias son los organismos que en conjunto producen la mayor cantidad de materia orgánica y oxígeno del planeta. Algunas bacterias desempeñan en la naturaleza el papel de descomponedores, degradando los restos de seres vivos para que puedan ser utilizados by other agencies. Importance

The human food uses these organizations for many purposes: obtaining from the fermentation of dairy products, butter, pickles, soy sauce, wine, vinegar and yogurt.

Smoke Curing Meat Is Cured Meat Cooked Or Raw?

There are two types of bacterial toxins:
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), an integral part of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria, heat-resistant, pyrogenic, endotoxin toxicity are general (nonspecific), released into circulation with bacterial lysis.
proteins, soluble, thermolabile bacterial cells released by gram positive and negative during the exponential phase growth, also known as exotoxins. Some of them are considered the most poisonous substances known. The superantigens are exotoxins
III secretion system (T3SS) of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens has 3 different types of proteins are used by microorganisms to manipulate cellular processes and promote bacterial virulence by releasing virulence factors in the cytosol of a host cell.
plasmids contain the genes needed to synthesize toxins and antibiotic resistance (R plasmids).
Pathogenicity Islands are segments of DNA that have a range of sizes between 10 and 500 kbp, which have been integrated into the bacterial chromosome by site-specific recombination adjacent to tRNA genes. These elements may contain virulence genes involved in adherence, toxin production, cell invasion, intracellular survival, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation.
is important to emphasize that a pathogenic bacterium must evade the host immune system.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Where Can I Buy Wax Beads For Candles

Original Title: Back To The Future I (1985)
Actors: Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Elisabeth Shue, Lea Thompson, Matt Clark, Richard Dysart, Pat Buttram

- The parking lot where they test the DeLorean for the first time is a mall called "Twin Pines Mall (Mall of the twin pines), but when the end Marty returns to 1985 and runs to save Doc the place is called "Lone Pine Mall (Mall of Lone Pine). This is because when Marty first arrived in 1955 and escaped from the farm of the old Peabody, crushing one of the pines that were planted in the area (as Doc had said before he was killed). Then the crushed pine Marty was one of the two for which the mall got its name.

- The man who drives the truck which clings to go Marty school (which eventually wound afternoon and Mr. Strickland gives you a detention) is Steven Spielberg! (With a green beanie).

- Doc cut Elsewhere, 1955 is the bag that Doc 1985, he left the car with stuff from 1985 as his underwear with a hairdryer and a "Playboy" for the trip that would make to the future before he was killed.

- The drifter who is lying on the bench in the square of Hill Valley in 1985 the night that Marty returns is the mayor of Hill Valley, 1955 Red Thomas.

- The actor who played George McFly (Crispin Glover) was replaced by Jeffrey Weissman because it seems that Glover had a fit mental / emotional.

- In one of the first drafts of the film, Hill Valley was called "Elmdale" and Marty was a forger of videos and the venue to see the DeLorean was first called "Three Pines Mall (Mall of the 3 pins) and no" Twin Pines Mall "(Center twin pines comercialde)

- Before Michael J. Fox the actor who would make Marty McFly was Eric Sholtz but was fired.

- Part 1 Back to the Future was released in the U.S. on July 3, 1985. The 2nd part was released in the U.S. on November 22, 1989 and the 3rd part on May 25, 1990 in the U.S. and Canada.

- Set Of The Hill Valley was burned intentionally by a security guard, and the set Hill Valley, 1885 caught fire because of ... lightning.

- In the film three to get out of bed in the farm of his grandparents the first thing Marty is fixed if you have pants on, recalling a similar scene in the film 1 when he takes off his pants Lorraine.

- Peabody's son is called Sherman and both names were taken from a boy and his dog who traveled through time in a 1961 film called "Bullwinckle Show."

- The musicians playing on the feast of Hill Valley in 1885 is the famous group ZZ Top.

- The cafe where Marty gets to use the phone when you first arrive at the Hill Valley of 1955 is called Lou \\ 's, this coffee in 1985 will be a school of aerobics with the same name. And in 2015 is called Café \\ '80, referring to a cafe in the 80's.

- This is a list of the Browns had in the phone book of Hill Valley, 1955:
Brown, Earl E
Brown, Earl R
Brown, Ebenezer Brown
, Ed C
Brown, Edwin L
Brown, Edwin S
Brown, Effre
Brown, Elfrieda
Brown, Ellen Brown
, Ellis
Brown, Elmer Brown
Emelie Brown, Emerald
Brown, Emil Brown & Co.
, Emmett L. scientist
Brown, Erick
Brown, Ernest Brown
Eugene Brown, Eva J
Brown Eva W
Brown, Ewan A
Brown, Ewan Q
Brown, Evelyn
Brown, Fredrick
Brown, Faye

- La familia de Lorraine en 1955 era Milton, Sally, Toby and Joey Baines.

- El programa que mira la familia de Lorraine y Marty mientras cenan se llama "The Honeymooners", pero el episodio que ellos miran no salió al aire hasta Diciembre de 1955, además se vio a las 8:30 pm de Nueva York, lo que significa que en California (donde queda Hill Valley) se vio a las 5:30, lo que significa que es imposible que lo vean mientras cenan (a menos que cenen a esa hora y que en Hill Valley el sol se ponga a las 5 de la tarde.

- En la casa de Doc de 1955, Doc escucha decir a su par de 1985 que to make the DeLorean time travel need a download of 1.21 jigowatts, then Doc exclaims that it is impossible to produce an electric shock of 1.21 jigowatts to what Marty asks What the hell is a jigowatts?, the question is not so ignorant after all, since the word jigowatts there actually is written gigawatts, but those who wrote the dialogues (Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis) and wrote it well and pronounce the whole time.

- When Marty goes to the house of George McFly in the night, dressed in a suit claiming he was an anti-radiation as Darth Vader on the planet "Vulcan" (in honor of Star Wars and Star Trek) to convince him to invite Lorraine go the school dance ("The enchantment under the sea" or "Enchantment under the sea dance") wears a hair dryer on the belt he took from the bag to put Doc in 1985 in the DeLorean for the trip future before he was killed. In this part there is another part cut off, when Marty to sleep back to George (he had awakened to the sound of Van Halen's guitar that he played for the film) puts you in the face with a handkerchief with chloroform, and that's why the next day, when Marty asks him what he was doing the replies "I fell asleep."

- In the novelization of the movie, Marty lights the fire alarm school with paper and a magnifying glass to escape arrest he had put Mr. Strickland for being late and arrive on time for the battle of the bands.

- The song that Marty and his band (the "Pinheads") is beginning to play an instrumental version of a song at the beginning of the movie called "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News. The judge said through megaphones while playing "Enough, sorry guys it's too loud!" Huey Lewis is in disguise. Huey Lewis and the News also plays the song you hear the alarm clock radio Marty "Back in Time", the morning after his return to first return to 1985.

- When Marty and George are walking down the school is a sign that says "Bulldogs vs. Indians" Bulldogs and Indians are the names of a football team where he was the son of Bob Gale. Bob Gale is a writer (with Robert Zemeckis) Back to the Future.

- Biff's house in 1955 is at 1809 Madison St. and lives with his grandmother Gertrude Tannen. (The voice of the grandmother is played by the same actor Thomas F. Wilson Biff Tannen.

- The Biff's Friends in 1955 called Skinhead, Match and 3D.

- When Marty was playing "Johnny B. Goode" at the prom, Marvin Berry (the leader of the band) called someone on the phone call telling Chuck had found new sound he was looking for, then he plays "Johnny B. Goode." Of course, "Chuck" is none other than Chuck Berry, who wrote and performed "Johnny B. Goode."

- On the Doc up to the Clock Tower (Clock Tower), break a piece of the cornice, that piece still broken in 1985 and 2015.

- The shoe Doc 1955 are used Velcro, which is impossible because the Velcro was not invented until the '60s.

- In case you did not notice the log-Hill Valley is called "Hill Valley Telegraph" (The Telegraph Hill Valley).

- In the beginning of the film all the clocks in the house Doc say it is 7:53 am.

- Doc The plutonium was stolen from the Libyans and the beginning of the film under his bed and on television claiming they were Libyans.

- In the beginning of the movie on the radio in the house of Doc heard an advertisement for a Toyota dealer named Statler, Statler was also a horse dealer in Hill Valley in 1885.

- The number of the speaker of the House of Doc is CRM114.

- The house / garage of Doc in 1985 is John F. Street Kennedy Drive, and when Marty asks his "grandfather" in 1955 when the River Side street led him to John F. Street Kennedy, his grandfather replied, "Who the hell is John F. Kennedy" (This is that Senator Kennedy was only one so far, not the president).

- Marty school in 1985, there is graffiti on one wall that says "Bob" This is in reference to Bob Gale, the creator (with Robert Zemeckis).

- In 1985 the service station "Texaco" is a Miller truck, when it comes to 1955 there is also a Miller truck.

- In 1985, Doc truck on the side reads "Dr. Emmet L. Brown Enterprises 24 h. Scientific Services (Dr. Emmet Brown Companies Scientific Services 24 hours).

- The second name was Douglas and George McFly was born on April 1, 1938 and 1985 alternate Biff was killed by the March 15, 1973. On 15 March is also the day Julius Caesar was killed.

- The board says OUTATIME Delorean (no time).

- The protagonist of Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood (The Lord of the Rings), work in Back to the Future II, playing the role of Mickey, the boy futuristic coffee was in '80, 2015, which Marty tried to teach him to play the gunman. Who would have thought that that nice boy, would become the main actor of another of the great trilogies in film history.

- It is uncertain exactly why Glover rejected his role as George McFly Back to the Future II and Back to the Future III continuations. Sources close to the project say he wanted too much money. Others say he just did not want to be stereotyped in character. To do that in life the reason, the filmmakers did some major re-write scripts to make the smallest, and replaced him with actor Jeffrey Weissman in Back to the Future II and III. From this problem Glover signed a preliminary contract requiring the actor to participate in all the movies of the sagas.