Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Single Person Go Karts

The digestive system has a role in transforming complex substances such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and other energy. in living beings as the digestive system may vary but always to the above vertebrate anteriormente.Los have a developed digestive system, consists of the following organs:

Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus

Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine


oral cavity or mouth
Inside are teeth whose function is to cut and grind food (mechanical digestion)

found in the mouth the tongue (which has a large number of taste buds) whose function is to mix food and facilitate their passage into the esophagus. flow in the oral cavity salivary glands.

secrete saliva, whose functions are to serve as lubricantedestruir the bacteria ingested with alimentoscomenzar chemical digestion by enzymes.

Once the processes taking place in the oral cavity, there is the swallowing of food eaten.

Pharynx The pharynx is a muscular tube that connects the device to the respiratory tract.
To remain closed airway during swallowing in the pharynx forms a fold, called epiglottis obstructing the glottis. This will prevent food from entering the respiratory system.


The bolus is released from the tongue to the edge of the gorge and then through the pharyngeal muscles, the esophagus, through which, through a series of peristaltic movements, results in the stomach.


It is an expansion of the digestive tract, where food is stored for a time to pass into the intestine in an advanced state of digestion.

Consisting of a cardiac region, which borders the esophagus through a so-called cardiac sphincter, a middle region, called the body and pyloric region that communicates with the intestine through the pyloric sphincter.
The stomach is muscular, so thanks to her contractions, the mechanical action is completed. In addition it is made of chemical digestion, by the action of gastric juice secreted by glands in the walls. In general, after remaining in the stomach long enough, food form a slurry called chyme, which gradually pass into the intestine

Small intestine: Consisting of three parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum

two distinct functions are performed: the chemical digestion of food andthe total absorption of these


flow in this stretch: the liver, which secretes

the bilisel pancreas secretes pancreatic juice. Also on the walls of the intestinal mucosa as lasGlándulas there are other glands that secrete mucus of Brunner's glands and Lieberkühn, intestinal.El juice secreted by the action of these juices is to ensure that: carbohydrates are processed of monosaccharides, fats are broken into fatty acids and glycerin, and that the proteins are broken down into amino acids.

After the digestion, chyme has turned into a milky liquid called chyle formed by water, monosaccharides, amino acids, glycerol, nitrogen bases and undigested products.

digestion has been completed and their products must cross the intestinal wall (absorption) to enter the bloodstream and be transported to all body cells. The absorption takes place molecule by molecule through the intestinal wall.


is separated from the small intestine by the ileocecal valve. Its mucosa presents a transverse folds, which give a characteristic appearance. The glands secrete mucus lining the mucosa.

Along the intestine absorbs a large amount of water, so that as they approach the final leg carried by peristalsis, are thickened. These products are expelled outside the defecación.Entre process called egestion or waste products are the plant cell walls, at whose expense they live a number of saprophytic bacteria symbionts (intestinal flora), which produce fermentation with evolution gas. They also produce some useful substances to the body, such as vitamin K.

In the large intestine also develops the absorption of water in the liquid material into a mass more consistent, and mucous glands secrete mucus that lubricates the fecal mass that must pass from the intestine to recto.La progression of this dough is made by peristalsis spaced at long intervals.

Defecation is a reflex, but you can control (somewhat) by the will. Faeces at the time of his removal, are formed in 65% water and other bacteria in large numbers (Mostly dead before disposal), and derivatives division, fermentation and putrefaction, products of intestinal secretion, bile pigments and minerals.


addition to the salivary glands, there are two glands that contribute to digestion:

The pancreas and liver

The pancreas is a gland mixed, because it secretes hormones (endocrine component), and pancreatic juice (exocrine component).

pancreatic juice reaches the intestine through the conduit of Wirsung, which flows along the common bile duct in the ampulla of Vater.

's mission is fundamentally liver metabolism, but helps digestion by bile. It is stored in the gallbladder. Plays an important role in digestion of fats, as it helps to divide the fatty substances in smaller particles, thereby facilitating attack lipase enzymes to increase the area of \u200b\u200bfat droplets

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tamagotchi Na Symbiana

anatomical drawings

used to study the human body. Are imaginary lines that begin in certain anatomical structures known to be divided into levels of the human to locate anatomical structures or pathological lesions, for example.

fundamental planes are

1) sagittal plane (MID). Is the vertical plane passing longitudinally through the body and divides it into two equal parts, a right and left.

2) frontal plane (coronal). Is any vertical plane is perpendicular to the (at an angle of 90 °) and serves to divide the body into two parts, anterior and posterior. 3) PLANE TRANSVERSE (HORIZONTAL). Is any plane that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis greater than anything, serves to divide the body into two parts, a head or more, and another flow or less.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Plasma Donation In Chicago

ESAD Call 2011 - Studied a BA in History

The Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) invites those interested in pursuing estudios del tipo superior en la modalidad no escolarizada (abierta y a distancia) a que, del 15 de enero al 28 de febrero de 2011, participen en el proceso de selección en los términos de las siguientes:


PRIMERA.- Oferta Educativa:

Los planes y programas de estudios que ofrecerá la SEP,
serán los siguientes:

*Licenciaturas en:
1. Seguridad Pública
2. Desarrollo Comunitario
3. Matemáticas
4. Gestión y Administración de PyME
5. Mercadotecnia Internacional
6. Administración de Empresas Turísticas
7. Ingeniería en Logística y Transporte
8. Software Development Engineering
9. Environmental Engineering Technology
10. Biotechnology Engineering
11. Telematics Engineering
12. Renewable Energy Engineering

Technical Colleges (TSU) in:

1. Paramedic
* All output terminal degrees and have
Technical Colleges (TSU)

SECOND .- Requirements:

Applicants must complete the registration on the website of the ESAD www.abiertayadistancia.sep.gob.mx and send through same the following information and documents in digital form:

I. Certificate of completed studies of the high school level (both sides). If the candidate is enrolled in a baccalaureate program or its license is pending, the deadline for submission of certificate of completion is 31 August 2011.
II. Birth Certificate (both sides).
III. Unique Key Population Registration (CURP). THIRD .-

preparatory courses:

To register for any of the plans and programs of study provided in this announcement, applicants must certify the preparatory course for open and distance learning mode, which will be conducted online March 7 to April 17, 2011. FOURTH .-

computer facilities and connectivity.

Applicants should have basic computer knowledge and Internet and preferably have the facilities to use. If not, should attend one of the Access and Support Center University (CAAU), whose location can be located on the website of the ESAD. FIFTH .-

education services in open and distance mode, the subject of this call will be regulated in terms of standards issued by the SEP in School Control. These standards, which will be available in the portal www.abiertayadistancia.sep.gob.mx shall be accepted by each applicant as part of their registration process. Cases of doubt or not covered by this call will be resolved by the Department of Higher Education of the SEP.

For more information:

01-800-11-27-737 (toll free) ext
3601-10-00. 28075 and 28074
Program Higher Education Open and Distance (ESAD)
"This program is public, unrelated to any political party. The use for purposes other than those set .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Prolapsed Disc Slipped Disc Excercises

Free Online Post-It Trivia

The Post-It are small self-adhesive sheets of various sizes, shapes and colors. They are used to write notes reminder to stick after any type of surface.

is a registered trademark owned by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, better known as 3M. \u200b\u200b

But who invented Post-it?

in 1968 by Spencer Silver, a researcher at 3M was looking for a new strong adhesive, but only managed one hit recently, and did not give any use.

In 1974, Art Fry was in the church and tried to read some psalms, marked in his book. Impossible. Markers continuously confetti fell to the ground. Suddenly, his mind shouted the usual ¨ eureka! ¨. · You may be able to paste the spacers to the pages with glue who invented Spence Silver ¨ he said.

The next day, Fry made a first unsuccessful attempt. But he insisted, and one day he gave a book to your boss, who had entered one of its tabs. When I returned, the superior had written something on that first Post-it note.

¨ I realized it was a new way of organizing information, messages transferred, and started fighting for my company, 3M, the marketed ¨.

was not easy. Yes he won a team to help him refine the Post-it, but managers did not see the business. ¨ It is a fad that will be expensive. Nobody buy · , Predicted.

However, Art Fry saw that his colleagues were the most frequently claimed. Finally, after proper marketing, the success was resounding.

In 1980, Post-it already in use throughout the United States and one year after landing in Europe. Imprecindible today in all offices.