Thursday, March 3, 2011

Iit Chemistry /o.p.agarwal

The nervous system is a network of highly specialized tissues, whose main component to neurons, cells that are interconnected in complex ways that have the ability to drive, using electrochemical signals (see Synapse), a variety of stimuli within the nervous tissue and to most other tissues, and coordinating multiple functions in the body. DivisionesAnatómicamente, the nervous system Homo sapiens (as well as many other species) are grouped in different organs, which actually make up stations where they spend the neural pathways. Thus, for study, these bodies can be grouped according to their location, in two parts: central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
The Central Nervous System : This comprises the Brain and Spinal Cord , is protected by three membranes, the meninges . Inside there is a system of cavities called ventricles, through which circulates the liquid cerebrospinal . The brain is the central nervous system is protected by the skull . It comprises the brain the cerebellum and brainstem . Brain
: is the most voluminous. Is divided into two hemispheres, one right and one left, separated by the interhemispheric fissure and communicated through the corpus callosum . The surface is called cerebral cortex and consists of refolding called convolutions formed gray. Underlying it is the white matter. In deep zones are areas of gray matter forming nuclei and the thalamus the caudate nucleus or hypothalamus .
Cerebellum: It's in the bottom and back of the brain, lodged in the posterior cranial fossa near the brainstem.
Brainstem : Composed of midbrain the pons and medulla . Connects the brain to the spinal cord .
The spinal cord is an extension the brain, like a cord that extends inside the spine . It is the gray matter inside and white outside.
Peripheral Nervous System: It consists of the nerves, cranial and spinal nerves that emerge from the central nervous system and travel throughout the body, containing axons of neural pathways with different functions and the lymph peripherals that are in the path containing nerves and cell bodies, the only outside the central nervous system. The
cranial nerves are 12 pairs that send sensory information from the neck and head to the central nervous system. Receive motor commands to control the skeletal muscles of the neck and head. The
spinal nerves are 31 pairs and are in charge of sending sensory information (touch, pain and temperature) of the trunk and limbs and the position and condition of the muscles and joints of the trunk and limbs to the central nervous system and, from there, receiving motor commands for the control of skeletal muscle which are driven by the spinal division espinal.Una less anatomical but much more functional, which divides the system nervous according to the role that different neural pathways, regardless of whether they walk part of the central nervous system or peripheral.
The somatic nervous system : Also called the nervous system of personal relationships, is formed by the set of neurons that regulate voluntary or conscious functions in the body (eg muscle movement, touch).
The autonomic nervous system, also called the autonomic nervous system or (incorrectly) visceral nervous system is formed by the set of neurons that regulate involuntary or unconscious functions in the body (eg bowel movement, visceral sensitivity).
noteworthy that neurons in both systems can reach or leave these bodies if they are voluntary and involuntary functions (and, indeed, these organs are the majority.) In some texts it is considered that the autonomic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system, but this is incorrect because, in its way, some neurons in the autonomic nervous system can be passed by both the central nervous system by the peripheral, which also occurs in the somatic nervous system. The division between central and peripheral nervous system has only anatomical purposes.
In turn, the vegetative system is classified into sympathetic and parasympathetic , systems whose functions are largely antagonistic. We have in our body approximately 150,000 miles of nerves that run throughout our body.


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