Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pay For Your Own Dinner Invitation


excretion in humans
-excretion is the last process of the role of nutrition, but just as important as everyone else. The unit responsible for carrying out the excretory, but also involved other devices diferentes.El excretory apparatus is responsible for cleaning the blood of waste products it has collected in each tissue and organ. It consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The kidneys are the organs responsible for cleansing the blood of waste, making the urine as a final product. have about 12 cm in length and are arranged in the back of abdomen.Los ureters are the tubes that start from the renal pelvis and carries urine to the bladder.
The bladder is a muscular organ, shaped like a balloon, which expands as it fills with urine and compressed in the act of urination. The bladder capacity is approximately 350 cm3. When the tension of the walls of the bladder exceeds a certain value, there is a nervous reflex, which receives Reflecting the name of urination, and urination becomes conscious.
The urethra is a tube from the bladder and the urine is expelled by urination.
The kidneys are made up of nephrons, which are responsible for producing urine. In a nephron can distinguish the following parts: glomerulus, proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule and collecting duct, which collects the urine.


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